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OrganizationUiTest.php in CRM Core 8

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  1. 8.2 modules/crm_core_contact/src/Tests/OrganizationUiTest.php


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namespace Drupal\crm_core_contact\Tests;

use Drupal\crm_core_contact\Entity\Organization;
use Drupal\crm_core_contact\Entity\OrganizationType;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests the UI for Organization CRUD operations.
 * @group crm_core
class OrganizationUiTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
      'label' => 'Supplier',
      'id' => 'supplier',
      'description' => 'A person or company that supplies goods or services.',
      'primary_fields' => [],
      'label' => 'Household',
      'id' => 'household',
      'description' => 'A collection of individuals generally located at the same residence.',
      'primary_fields' => [],

    // Place local actions and local task blocks.

   * Tests the organization operations.
   * User with permissions 'administer crm_core_organization entities' should
   * be able to create/edit/delete organizations of any organization type.
  public function testOrganizationOperations() {

    // Create user and login.
    $user = $this
      'administer crm_core_organization entities',
      'administer organization types',
      'create crm_core_organization entities of bundle supplier',
      'view any crm_core_organization entity',
      'view any crm_core_activity entity',
      ->assertLink(t('CRM Organizations'));
      ->clickLink(t('CRM Organizations'));

    // There should be no organizations available after fresh installation and
    // there is a link to create new organizations.
      ->assertText(t('There are no organizations available.'), 'No organizations available after fresh installation.');
      ->assertLink(t('Add an organization'));
    $household_node = [
      'name[0][value]' => 'Fam. Johnson',
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/add/household', $household_node, 'Save Household');

    // Assert we were redirected back to the list of contacts.
      ->assertText('Fam. Johnson', 0, 'Newly created organization title listed.');
      ->assertText(t('Household'), 'Newly created organization type listed.');
    $household_node = [
      'name[0][value]' => 'Fam. Bane',
    $households = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      'name' => 'Fam. Johnson',
    $household = current($households);
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/' . $household
      ->id() . '/edit', $household_node, 'Save Household');

    // Assert we are viewing the entity.
      ->assertUrl('crm-core/organization/' . $household
      ->assertText('Fam. Bane', 0, 'Organization updated.');

    // Assert organization template has been used.
      ->assertRaw('Fam. Bane</div>');

    // Check listing page.
      ->assertText('Fam. Bane', 0, 'Updated organization title listed.');

    // Create Supplier organization.
    $supplier_node = [
      'name[0][value]' => 'Example ltd',
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/add/supplier', $supplier_node, 'Save Supplier');

    // Create supplier with no name.
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/add/supplier', [], 'Save Supplier');

    // Assert we were redirected back to the list of organizations.
      ->assertLink('Example ltd', 0, 'Newly created organization title listed.');
      ->assertLink('Nameless #3', 0, 'Nameless organization title listed.');
      ->assertText(t('Supplier'), 'Newly created organization type listed.');

    // Assert all view headers are available.
      ->assertLink('Organization type');
    $count = $this
      ->assertTrue($count, 1, 'Individual type is an exposed filter.');
    $count = $this
      ->assertTrue($count, 1, 'Name is an exposed filter.');
    $organizations = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      'name' => 'Example ltd',
    $organization = current($organizations);

    // Create another user.
    $new_user = $this

    // Test EntityOwnerTrait functions on organization.
      ->getOwnerId(), $user
      ->id(), $user
      ->getOwnerId(), $new_user
      ->id(), $new_user
      ->getOwnerId(), $user
      ->id(), $user
      ->assertRaw('crm-core/organization/' . $organization
      ->id() . '/edit', 'Edit link is available.');
      ->assertRaw('crm-core/organization/' . $organization
      ->id() . '/delete', 'Delete link is available.');
      ->get('changed')->value, 'short'), 'Organization updated date is available.');

    // Edit operation.
    $supplier_node = [
      'name[0][value]' => 'Another Example ltd',
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/' . $organization
      ->id() . '/edit', $supplier_node, 'Save Supplier');

    // Assert we are viewing the entity.
      ->assertUrl('crm-core/organization/' . $organization
      ->assertText('Another Example ltd', 0, 'Organization updated.');
      ->assertRaw('data-drupal-link-system-path="crm-core/organization/1/delete"', 'Local task "Delete" is available.');
      ->assertRaw('crm-core/organization/1/delete" class="button button--danger" data-drupal-selector="edit-delete" id="edit-delete"', 'Delete link is available.');

    // Check listing page.
      ->assertLink('Another Example ltd', 0, 'Updated organization title listed.');

    // Delete organizations.
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/1/delete', [], t('Delete'));
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/2/delete', [], t('Delete'));
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/3/delete', [], t('Delete'));
      ->assertNoLink('Another Example ltd', 0, 'Deleted organization title no more listed.');

    // Assert that there are no organizations.
      ->assertText(t('There are no organizations available.'), 'No organizations available.');

   * Tests the organization type operations.
   * User with permissions 'administer organization types' should be able to
   * create/edit/delete organization types.
  public function testOrganizationTypeOperations() {

    // Create user with permission 'administer organization types'.
    $user = $this
      'administer organization types',

    // Test that there are edit, delete links for existing organizations.
      ->assertOrganizationTypeLink('supplier', 'Edit link for supplier.');
      ->assertOrganizationTypeLink('supplier/delete', 'Delete link for supplier.');
      ->assertOrganizationTypeLink('household', 'Edit link for household.');
      ->assertOrganizationTypeLink('household/delete', 'Delete link for household.');

    // Add another organization type.
    $second_organization_type = OrganizationType::create([
      'id' => 'new_organization_type',
      'label' => 'New organization type',
      'primary_fields' => [],

    // Create organization of type 'supplier.'.
      'type' => 'supplier',

    // Test that there is no a delete link.
      ->assertNoOrganizationTypeLink('supplier/delete', 'No delete link for supplier.');

    // Test that there is no a delete link on supplier type form.
      ->assertNoOrganizationTypeLink('supplier/delete', 'No delete link on supplier type form.');

   * Test if the field UI is displayed on organization bundle.
  public function testFieldsUi() {
    $user = $this
      'administer crm_core_organization display',
      'administer crm_core_organization form display',
      'administer crm_core_organization fields',
      ->assertText(t('Manage fields'), 'Manage fields local task is available.');
      ->assertText(t('Manage form display'), 'Manage form display local task is available.');
      ->assertText(t('Manage display'), 'Manage display local task is available.');
      ->assertText(t('Name'), 'Name field is available on form display.');
      ->assertText(t('Name'), 'Name field is available on manage display.');

   * Test organization revisions.
  public function testOrganizationRevisions() {
    $user = $this
      'administer crm_core_organization entities',
      'view all crm_core_organization revisions',
    $organization = [
      'name[0][value]' => 'rev',
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/add/supplier', $organization, 'Save Supplier');
    $organization_1 = [
      'name[0][value]' => 'rev1',
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/1/edit', $organization_1, 'Save Supplier');
    $organization_2 = [
      'name[0][value]' => 'rev2',
      ->drupalPostForm('crm-core/organization/1/edit', $organization_2, 'Save Supplier');

   * Asserts an organization type link.
   * The path 'admin/structure/crm-core/organization-types/' gets prepended to
   * the path provided.
   * @see WebTestBase::assertLinkByHref()
  public function assertOrganizationTypeLink($href, $message = '') {
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/crm-core/organization-types/' . $href, 0, $message);

   * Asserts no organization type link.
   * The path 'admin/structure/crm-core/organization-types/' gets prepended to
   * the path provided.
   * @see WebTestBase::assertNoLinkByHref()
  public function assertNoOrganizationTypeLink($href, $message = '') {
      ->assertNoLinkByHref('admin/structure/crm-core/organization-types/' . $href, $message);



Namesort descending Description
OrganizationUiTest Tests the UI for Organization CRUD operations.