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protected function CriticalCssProvider::calculateFilePaths in Critical CSS 8

Get all possible paths to search, relatives to theme.

Return value

array Array with all possible paths.

1 call to CriticalCssProvider::calculateFilePaths()
CriticalCssProvider::getFilePaths in src/Asset/CriticalCssProvider.php
Get all possible paths to search, relatives to theme.


src/Asset/CriticalCssProvider.php, line 255


Critical CSS Provider.




protected function calculateFilePaths() {

  // Opt out if module is disabled.
  if (!$this
    ->isEnabled()) {
    return [];

  // Check if module is enabled for logged-in users.
  if (!$this->currentUser
    ->isAnonymous() && !$this
    ->isEnabledForLoggedInUsers()) {
    return [];

  // Get current entity's data.
  $entity = $this
  $entityId = NULL;
  $bundleName = NULL;
  if (is_object($entity) && method_exists($entity, 'id') && method_exists($entity, 'bundle')) {
    $entityId = $entity
    $bundleName = $entity

  // Check if this entity id is excluded.
  if ($entityId && $this
    ->isEntityIdExcluded($entityId)) {
    return [];

  // Get sanitized path, which is something like /node/{X}.
  $sanitizedPath = $this

  // Get sanitized path info, which is something like /article/{title}.
  $sanitizedPathInfo = $this

  // Get all possible paths in order, starting with the most specific ones
  // (entity id) and finishing with a fallback. Between them, use a "path-"
  // prefix to avoid collisions when there is a node and a bundle with the
  // same name.
  $filePaths[] = $this
  $filePaths[] = $this
    ->getFilePathByKey('path-' . $sanitizedPath);
  $filePaths[] = $this
  $filePaths[] = $this
    ->getFilePathByKey('path-' . $sanitizedPathInfo);
  $filePaths[] = $this
  $filePaths[] = $this
  $filePaths[] = $this

  // Remove all null paths (if no callback is supplied to array_filter, all
  // entries of array equal to FALSE are removed)
  $filePaths = array_filter($filePaths);

  // Remove repeated paths.
  $filePaths = array_unique($filePaths);

  // Allow other modules to alter file paths array.
    ->alter('critical_css_file_paths_suggestion', $filePaths, $entity);
  return $filePaths;