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crazyegg.module in Crazy Egg Integration 7

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  1. 8 crazyegg.module
  2. 6 crazyegg.module

The official Crazy Egg Plugin for Drupal. The easiest, free way to add your Crazy Egg tracking script to your Drupal site. See for details.


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 * @file
 *   The official Crazy Egg Plugin for Drupal.
 *   The easiest, free way to add your Crazy Egg tracking script to your Drupal site.
 *   See for details.

 * Implements hook_permission().
function crazyegg_permission() {
  return array(
    'administer crazy egg' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer Crazy Egg'),
      'description' => t('Administer account settings and visibility of Crazy Egg on your site.'),

 * Implements hook_menu().
 * Adds `Crazy Egg` link on the "admin/config" page for easier access to this module
function crazyegg_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/system/crazyegg'] = array(
    'title' => 'Crazy Egg',
    'description' => 'Configure Crazy Egg on your website.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer crazy egg',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    'file' => 'includes/',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_help().
 * Module summary displayed at the top on the module settings page
function crazyegg_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/config/system/crazyegg':
      return t('<img src="@logo" style="float: right;" alt="Crazy Egg" />' . '<a href="@url">Crazy Egg</a> is an analytics tool that provides website heatmaps and eye tracking.', array(
        '@url' => '',
        '@logo' => '',

 * Implements hook_page_alter().
 * Checks all conditions and injects tracking script into the page if needed
function crazyegg_page_alter(&$page) {
  $account_id = variable_get('crazyegg_account_id', '');
  $crazyegg_enabled = variable_get('crazyegg_enabled', TRUE);

  // if module is enabled, there is numeric account ID, user role is allowed and current page matches page targeting setting
  if ($crazyegg_enabled && is_numeric($account_id) && crazyegg_is_role_allowed() && crazyegg_is_page_allowed()) {
    $account_path = str_pad($account_id, 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $account_path = drupal_substr($account_path, 0, 4) . '/' . drupal_substr($account_path, 4, 8);
    $script_path = '//' . $account_path . '.js';
    $crazyegg_scope = variable_get('crazyegg_js_scope', 'header');
    drupal_add_js($script_path, array(
      'type' => 'external',
      'scope' => $crazyegg_scope,
      'weight' => 0,
      'defer' => TRUE,

 * Check if actual user role is not mentioned in `crazyegg_roles_excluded` variable
 * @return bool
function crazyegg_is_role_allowed() {
  global $user;
  $excluded_roles = variable_get('crazyegg_roles_excluded', array());
  foreach ($user->roles as $rid => $role) {
    if (in_array($rid, $excluded_roles)) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Check if actual page URL matches patterns listed in `crazyegg_paths` variable. If the variable is empty, return true.
 * @return bool
function crazyegg_is_page_allowed() {
  $current_path = current_path();
  $current_path_alias = drupal_lookup_path('alias', $current_path);
  $crazyegg_paths = trim(variable_get('crazyegg_paths', ''));
  return empty($crazyegg_paths) || drupal_match_path($current_path, $crazyegg_paths) || drupal_match_path($current_path_alias, $crazyegg_paths);


Namesort descending Description
crazyegg_help Implements hook_help(). Module summary displayed at the top on the module settings page
crazyegg_is_page_allowed Check if actual page URL matches patterns listed in `crazyegg_paths` variable. If the variable is empty, return true.
crazyegg_is_role_allowed Check if actual user role is not mentioned in `crazyegg_roles_excluded` variable
crazyegg_menu Implements hook_menu(). Adds `Crazy Egg` link on the "admin/config" page for easier access to this module
crazyegg_page_alter Implements hook_page_alter(). Checks all conditions and injects tracking script into the page if needed
crazyegg_permission Implements hook_permission().