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function CourseObjectFulfillmentTestCase::testCourseContentObjectFulfillment in Course 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 tests/CourseObjectFulfillmentTestCase.test \CourseObjectFulfillmentTestCase::testCourseContentObjectFulfillment()

Test fulfillment of CourseObjects with an enrolled/unenrolled user


tests/CourseObjectFulfillmentTestCase.test, line 20


Description of CourseFulfillmentObjectTestCase


function testCourseContentObjectFulfillment() {
  $this->learner = $this

  // Add the course object to the course.
  $courseNode = $this
  $course = course_get_course($courseNode);
  $co1 = course_get_course_object('course_test', 'course_test_object');

  // Satisfy the object outside of the course.
    ->isComplete(), 'Check that the object is not fulfilled.');

  // Enroll the user in the course.
  course_enroll($courseNode, $this->learner);

  // Satisfy the object inside of the course.
    ->setOption('test_value', 'findMe123')
    ->setOption('test_value_undef', 'findMe123')
    ->getOption('test_value'), 'findMe123', 'Check that defined fulfillment data was saved.');
    ->getOption('test_value_undef'), 'findMe123', 'Check that undefined fulfillment data was not saved.');
    ->isComplete(), 'Check that the object is fulfilled.');