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public function CourseGradeTestCase::testCourseGradeAccess in Course 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 tests/CourseGradeTestCase.test \CourseGradeTestCase::testCourseGradeAccess()
  2. 7.2 tests/CourseGradeTestCase.test \CourseGradeTestCase::testCourseGradeAccess()

Test that the course grade access plugin functions properly.


tests/CourseGradeTestCase.test, line 50


Tests for Course grade.


public function testCourseGradeAccess() {
  $courseNode = $this

  // Create a graded course objects.
    ->createCourseObject($courseNode, TRUE);

  // Add a non-graded course object.

  // Reload the course from DB.
  $course = course_get_course($courseNode, $this->student_user, TRUE);
  $courseObjects = array_values($course
  $co1 = $courseObjects[0];
  $co2 = $courseObjects[1];

  // Set object 1 to be included in the course grade.
    ->setOption('grade_include', TRUE)

  // Set object 2 to require a course grade of 80.
    'plugins' => array(
      'access' => array(
        'grade' => array(
          'course_grade_range' => array(
            'low' => 80,
            'high' => 90,

  // Enroll the user.
  course_enroll($courseNode, $this->student_user);

  // Complete but don't hit the low grade requirement.
    ->setOption('grade_result', 79)
    ->access('take', $this->student_user), 'User cannot take course object with lower grade.');

  // Complete but don't hit the high grade requirement.
    ->setOption('grade_result', 91)
    ->access('take', $this->student_user), 'User cannot take course object with higher grade.');

  // Hit the grade requirement.
    ->setOption('grade_result', 80)
    ->access('take', $this->student_user), 'User can take course object with required grade.');