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13 calls to CourseObject::getTitle() in Course 6

CourseObject::getCloneAbility in includes/
Returns an translated error message if this object has issues with cloning.
CourseObject::optionsForm in includes/
Default options form for all course objects.
CourseObject::save in includes/
Let objects create their instances before saving the course object.
CourseObjectBook::create in modules/course_book/
Make the book.
CourseObjectBook::getCloneAbility in modules/course_book/
Returns an translated error message if this object has issues with cloning.
CourseObjectNode::create in includes/
Creates a course object.
CourseObjectNode::getCloneAbility in includes/
Returns an translated error message if this object has issues with cloning.
CourseObjectNode::getWarnings in includes/
Return a list of warning strings about this handler.
CourseObjectPoll::create in modules/course_poll/
Creates a course object.
CourseObjectQuiz::create in modules/course_quiz/
Create the quiz node and set it as this object's instance.
CourseObjectQuiz::getCloneAbility in modules/course_quiz/
Returns an translated error message if this object has issues with cloning.
CourseObjectScorm::create in modules/course_scorm/
Creates a course object.
CourseObjectWebform::create in modules/course_webform/
Creates a course object.