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6 methods override CourseObject::take() in Course 7.2

CourseObjectBroken::take in includes/
Course object entry point for taking. This method should return a value corresponding to the type set in getTakeType().
CourseObjectCertificate::take in modules/course_certificate/
Course object entry point for taking. This method should return a value corresponding to the type set in getTakeType().
CourseObjectManual::take in modules/course_object_manual/
Display status message as course content.
CourseObjectSignup::take in modules/course_signup/
Course object entry point for taking. This method should return a value corresponding to the type set in getTakeType().
CourseObjectTest::take in tests/course_test/
Course object entry point for taking. This method should return a value corresponding to the type set in getTakeType().
CourseObjectUbercart::take in modules/course_uc/
Display the add to cart button, or a message that it was already purchased.