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10 calls to CourseHandler::getId() in Course 7

CourseObject::access in includes/
Access functionality for course objects.
CourseObject::buildContent in includes/
Builds a structured array representing the entity's content.
CourseObject::getReport in includes/
Let the course object provide its own reports.
CourseObject::getUrl in includes/
Return the URL to the course object router.
CourseObject::isActive in includes/
CourseObject::isTemporary in includes/
Checks the temporary status of a course object.
CourseObject::optionsForm in includes/
Default options form for all course objects.
CourseObject::optionsSubmit in includes/
Save object configs to cache.
CourseObject::save in includes/
Let objects create their instances before saving the course object.
CourseObject::takeCourseObject in includes/
Take a course object.