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6 calls to course_determine_context() in Course 6

CourseContextTestCase::testDetermineContext in tests/CourseContextTestCase.test
Testing finding course and objects via parameter search.
CourseContextTestCase::testMultiContext in tests/CourseContextTestCase.test
Test objects that belong to multiple courses.
course_get_course_object in ./course.module
CourseObject factory. Get a loaded course object from database or build one from arguments.
course_init in ./course.module
Implements hook_init().
course_scorm_exit in modules/course_scorm/course_scorm.module
Implements hook_exit().
course_uc_enrol_user_in_ordered_courses in modules/course_uc/course_uc.module
Loops through items in an Ubercart order and enrols the user in courses purchased.