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CourierTest.php in Courier 8

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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\courier\Tests\CourierTest.
namespace Drupal\courier\Tests;

use Drupal\courier\Entity\Email;
use Drupal\simpletest\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\courier\Entity\TemplateCollection;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
use Drupal\courier\Entity\MessageQueueItem;
use Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTest;

 * Courier test.
 * @group courier
class CourierTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * Modules to install.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
  protected $identity;

   * @var \Drupal\courier\Service\CourierManagerInterface
  protected $courierManager;

   * Sets up the test.
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->courierManager = \Drupal::service('courier.manager');
      ->installSchema('system', [
      ->set('interface.default', 'test_mail_collector')
    $this->identity = User::create([
      'uid' => 1,
      'name' => $this

   * General API test.
   * Creates a template collection and checks if user receives a message.
  function testCourier() {

    // Owner is auto saved by entity reference field.
    $owner_entity = EntityTest::create();
    $template_collection = TemplateCollection::create()

    // Saving collection should auto save templates (via entity_reference).
    // See DynamicEntityReferenceItem::preSave().
    $templates = $template_collection
      ->isNew(), 'Template is not saved.');
      ->save(), SAVED_NEW, 'Saved template collection');
    $templates = $template_collection

    /** @var \Drupal\courier\Entity\Email $courier_email */
    $courier_email = $templates[0];
      ->isNew(), 'Template is saved.');
      ->assertTrue($courier_email instanceof Email, 'Template 0 is a courier_email.');

    // Message will not be added to queue if ->isEmpty()
      ->setBody('Greetings, [identity:label]');

    // MQI.
      ->assertEqual(count(MessageQueueItem::loadMultiple()), 0, 'There are no message queue items.');
    $options = [];
      ->sendMessage($template_collection, $this->identity, $options);

    /** @var \Drupal\courier\MessageQueueItemInterface[] $mqi */
    $mqi = MessageQueueItem::loadMultiple();
      ->assertEqual(count($mqi), 1, 'There is one message queue item.');

    /** @var \Drupal\courier\ChannelInterface[] $messages */
      ->id() == $this->identity
      ->id(), 'Identity is identical.');
      ->getOptions() == $options, 'Options are identical.');
    $messages = $mqi[1]
    $courier_email = $messages[0];
      ->assertTrue($courier_email instanceof Email, 'Message 0 is a courier_email.');

    // Token replacement.
      ->getBody(), 'Greetings, ' . $this->identity
      ->get('system.test_mail_collector')), 'There are no mails.');

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Cron $cron */
    $cron = \Drupal::service('cron');
    $mail_collector = \Drupal::state()
      ->assertEqual(count($mail_collector), 1, 'There is a mail.');
      ->assertEqual($mail_collector[0]['to'], $this->identity
      ->label() . ' <' . $this->identity
      ->getEmail() . '>');
      ->assertEqual($mail_collector[0]['subject'], $courier_email
      ->assertEqual(trim($mail_collector[0]['body']), $courier_email
      ->assertEqual(count(MessageQueueItem::loadMultiple()), 0, 'There are no message queue items.');
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $courier_email
      ->id()), 'courier_email is deleted.');

    // Deleting owner entity deletes template collections.
      ->assertEqual(count(TemplateCollection::loadMultiple()), 0, 'Deleted template collection.');



Namesort descending Description
CourierTest Courier test.