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countryicons-help.tpl.php in Country Icons 6.2

Help page for countryicons.


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 * @file
 * Help page for countryicons.

print t('This module provides a collection of country icons, and an API for retrieving them. For more information read the full documentation <a href="!doc_url">here</a>.', array(
  '!doc_url' => '',

print t('Available iconsets');

foreach ($iconsets as $iconset) {

  print $iconset->name;
  ?> (<?php

  print $iconset->key;

  print t('Description:');
  ?> <?php

  print $iconset->description;

  print t('Images:');
  ?> <?php

  print $iconset->width;

  print $iconset->height;
  ?>px <?php

  print $iconset->extension;

  print t('Supports CSS sprite: ');
  print $iconset->css_sprite ? t('yes') : t('no');

  print t('Example:');
  ?> <?php

  print theme('countryicons_icon', 'se', $iconset->key);



if (empty($iconsets)) {

  print t('No iconsets available! Please download and install, at least, one iconset to use this module.');
