6 calls to _countries_api_get_country() in Country codes API 6
- CountriesAPITestCase::test_invalidformat_countries_api_get_country in tests/
countries_api.test - Function to test invalid format passed to _countries_api_get_country
- CountriesAPITestCase::test_results_countries_api_get_country in tests/
countries_api.test - Function to test _countries_api_get_country returns a value
- countries_api_iso2_get_country in ./
countries_api.module - ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code to country API function
- countries_api_iso3_get_country in ./
countries_api.module - ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code to country API function
- countries_api_numcode_get_country in ./
countries_api.module - ISO 3166-1 numcode to country API function
- _countries_api_iso_get_country in ./
countries_api.module - This function was renamed to _countries_api_get_country. But to keep support for modules that uses _countries_api_iso_get_country this function should exists, but only call the renamed function.