countries_api.module in Country codes API 5
Same filename and directory in other branches
countries_api.moduleView source
* Implementation of hook_help()
function countries_api_help($section = '') {
// license path
$license = drupal_get_path('module', 'countries_api') . '/LICENSE.txt';
// switch over section
switch ($section) {
// module
case 'admin/help#countries_api':
$content = "Help Section Coming Soon";
return $content;
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-#n code to country API function
* @param $code
* An string containg the iso3 value
* @return string
* Returns an array containing the country fields
function countries_api_get_country($code) {
if (strlen(trim($code)) == 2) {
return countries_api_iso2_get_country($code);
elseif (strlen(trim($code)) == 3) {
return countries_api_iso3_get_country($code);
else {
return null;
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code to country API function
* @param $code
* An string containg the iso3 value
* @return string
* Returns an array containing the country fields
function countries_api_iso2_get_country($code) {
return _countries_api_iso_get_country($code, 'iso2');
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code to country API function
* @param $code
* An string containg the iso3 value
* @return string
* Returns an array containing the country fields
function countries_api_iso3_get_country($code) {
return _countries_api_iso_get_country($code, 'iso3');
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-#n code to country name API function
* @param $code
* Either an iso2 or iso3 Country Code to search by.
* @return string
* Returns country name as string.
function countries_api_get_name($code) {
if (strlen(trim($code)) == 2) {
return countries_api_iso2_get_name($code);
elseif (strlen(trim($code)) == 3) {
return countries_api_iso3_get_name($code);
else {
return null;
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code to country name API function
* @param $code
* iso2 country code to search by.
* @return string
* Returns country name as string.
function countries_api_iso2_get_name($code) {
$_country = countries_api_iso2_get_country($code);
if (!is_null($_country)) {
return $_country['name'];
return null;
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code to country name API function
* @param $code
* iso3 country code to search by.
* @return string
* Returns country name as a string.
function countries_api_iso3_get_name($code) {
$_country = countries_api_iso3_get_country($code);
if (!is_null($_country)) {
return $_country['name'];
return null;
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code to ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code API function
* @param $code
* iso2 country code to search by.
* @return string
* Returns iso3 string value of country
function countries_api_iso2_get_iso3($code) {
$_country = countries_api_iso2_get_country($code);
if (!is_null($_country)) {
return $_country['iso3'];
return null;
* ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code to ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code API function
* @param $code
* iso3 country code to search by.
* @return string
* Returns iso2 string value of country
function countries_api_iso3_get_iso2($code) {
$_country = countries_api_iso3_get_country($code);
if (!is_null($_country)) {
return $_country['iso2'];
return null;
* ISO 3166-1 numcode to country API function
* @param $code
* An string containg the numcode value
* @return string
* Returns an array containing the country fields
function countries_api_numcode_get_country($code) {
return _countries_api_numcode_get_country($code, 'numcode');
* ISO 3166-1 numcode to country name API function
* @param $code
* numcode to search by.
* @return string
* Returns country name as a string.
function countries_api_numcode_get_name($code) {
$_country = countries_api_numcode_get_country($code);
if (!is_null($_country)) {
return $_country['name'];
return NULL;
* Function to return a country by code and name.
* @param $value
* The country code value (in iso2,iso3,name, or printable name format)
* @param $format
* The format to return country by
* @return array of country
function _countries_api_iso_get_country($value, $format) {
$value = trim(check_plain($value));
$format = trim(check_plain($format));
// Return false if format is invalid (saves a database hit!)
if (!countries_api_validate_format($format)) {
return false;
$result = db_query("SELECT iso2, name, printable_name, iso3, numcode FROM {countries_api_countries} WHERE %s = '%s'", $format, $value);
return db_fetch_array($result);
* Function to return an associative array of countries with key/values based on args
* Can be used to get results for FAPI form options.
* @param $key_format
* The format of the key (a value from countries_api_formats)
* @param $value_format
* The format of teh value (a value from countries_api_formats)
* @return array
* An associative array based on arguments
function countries_api_get_array($key_format = 'iso2', $value_format = 'printable_name') {
//Validate args
if (!countries_api_validate_format($key_format)) {
return false;
if (!countries_api_validate_format($value_format)) {
return false;
$countries = countries_api_get_list();
$rows = array();
foreach ($countries as $country) {
$rows[$country[$key_format]] = $country[$value_format];
return $rows;
* Function for returning an associative array useful for FAPI select elements
* @param array
* The first value in the array (defaults to '' => 'Please Choose')
* @return array
* Returns an associative array in $country['iso2'] => $country['printable_name'] format.
function countries_api_get_options_array($first_element = array(
'' => 'Please Choose',
)) {
return array_merge($first_element, countries_api_get_array('iso2', 'printable_name'));
* Function to return an associative array of all countries.
* TODO: Cache results
* @return associative array of all countries
function countries_api_get_list() {
$result = db_query("SELECT iso2, iso3, name, printable_name, numcode FROM {countries_api_countries}");
$countries = array();
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$countries[] = $row;
return $countries;
/** Utility Functions **/
* Funtion to return available formats
* @return array
* Returns an array of available formats
function countries_api_get_formats() {
return array(
* Function to validate format argument
* @param $format
* Input format to validate
* @return boolean
* Return if it is a valid format
function countries_api_validate_format($format) {
return in_array($format, countries_api_get_formats());
* Function to import countries from CSV file
* TODO: provide arguments for specifying csv files
* @param $offset
* Int value for csv row offset.
* @return void
function countries_api_csv_import_countries($offset = 1) {
//Prepopulate countries table
$handle = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/countries.csv', 'r');
$index = 1;
while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, 1024, ",")) !== FALSE) {
//Create row variables
$record = array(
'iso2' => $row[0],
'name' => $row[1],
'printable_name' => $row[2],
'iso3' => $row[3] !== 'NULL' ? $row[3] : NULL,
'numcode' => $row[4] !== 'NULL' ? $row[4] : NULL,
if ($index > $offset) {
db_query("INSERT INTO {countries_api_countries} \n (iso2, name, printable_name, iso3, numcode) \n VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $record['iso2'], $record['name'], $record['printable_name'], $record['iso3'], $record['numcode']);
watchdog('countries_api', t('Pre-populated countries api data.'));
* Implementation of hook_simpletest()
function countries_api_simpletest() {
$module_name = 'countries_api';
// Change this to your module name.
$dir = drupal_get_path('module', $module_name) . '/tests';
$tests = file_scan_directory($dir, '\\.test$');
return array_keys($tests);
* Function to flush (empty) the countries database
function _countries_api_flush() {
db_query("DELETE FROM {countries_api_countries}");
Name![]() |
Description |
countries_api_csv_import_countries | Function to import countries from CSV file TODO: provide arguments for specifying csv files |
countries_api_get_array | Function to return an associative array of countries with key/values based on args Can be used to get results for FAPI form options. |
countries_api_get_country | ISO 3166-1-alpha-#n code to country API function |
countries_api_get_formats | Funtion to return available formats |
countries_api_get_list | Function to return an associative array of all countries. TODO: Cache results |
countries_api_get_name | ISO 3166-1-alpha-#n code to country name API function |
countries_api_get_options_array | Function for returning an associative array useful for FAPI select elements |
countries_api_help | Implementation of hook_help() |
countries_api_iso2_get_country | ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code to country API function |
countries_api_iso2_get_iso3 | ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code to ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code API function |
countries_api_iso2_get_name | ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code to country name API function |
countries_api_iso3_get_country | ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code to country API function |
countries_api_iso3_get_iso2 | ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code to ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code API function |
countries_api_iso3_get_name | ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code to country name API function |
countries_api_numcode_get_country | ISO 3166-1 numcode to country API function |
countries_api_numcode_get_name | ISO 3166-1 numcode to country name API function |
countries_api_simpletest | Implementation of hook_simpletest() |
countries_api_validate_format | Function to validate format argument |
_countries_api_flush | Function to flush (empty) the countries database |
_countries_api_iso_get_country | Function to return a country by code and name. |