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11 calls to country_create() in Countries 7.2

CountriesBaseImportUnitTest::testCountriesCoreListingImport in tests/countries.test
Tests the import routines.
CountriesBaseInstallUnitTest::testCountriesAdminListing in tests/countries.test
This browes the admin listing, making sure that the countries are correctly listed.
CountriesBaseSetupTest::assertCountryListed in tests/countries.test
CountriesCacheUnitTest::testCache in tests/countries.test
CountriesCRUDUIUnitTest::testCountriesAddition in tests/countries.test
This test that the country property lookup is working.
CountriesCRUDUnitTest::testCountriesCRUD in tests/countries.test
This test that the country property lookup is working.
CountriesFunctionsUnitTest::testCountriesLock in tests/countries.test
This test that core countries can not be deleted while user ones are.
CountriesFunctionsUnitTest::testCountriesPropertyLookup in tests/countries.test
This test that the country property lookup is working.
CountriesFunctionsUnitTest::testCountriesSort in tests/countries.test
This test that the country sort works.
countries_admin_page in ./
Menu callback; Display a country form.
country_validate in ./countries.module
Validates a country.