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cookieconsent.html.twig in CookieConsent 8

Default template for cookieconsent.

Available variables:

  • dismiss : The text used on the dismiss button.
  • message : The message shown by the plugin.
  • target : The target of the link to your cookie policy. Use to open a link in a new window, or specific frame, if you wish.
  • link : The url of your cookie policy. If it’s set to null, the link is hidden.
  • learn_more : The text shown on the link to the cookie policy (requires the link option to also be set)


View source
  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Default template for cookieconsent.
  5. *
  6. * Available variables:
  7. * - dismiss : The text used on the dismiss button.
  8. * - message : The message shown by the plugin.
  9. * - target : The target of the link to your cookie policy. Use to open a link in a new window, or specific frame,
  10. if you wish.
  11. * - link : The url of your cookie policy. If it’s set to null, the link is hidden.
  12. * - learn_more : The text shown on the link to the cookie policy (requires the link option to also be set)
  13. *
  14. * @ingroup themeable
  15. */
  16. #}
  17. <div class="cc_banner cc_container cc_container--open">
  18. <a href="#null" data-cc-event="click:dismiss" target="_blank" class="cc_btn cc_btn_accept_all">{{ dismiss }}</a>
  19. <p class="cc_message">{{message}} <a data-cc-if="" target="{{ target }}" class="cc_more_info" href="{{ link }}">{{ learn_more }}</a></p>
  20. <a class="cc_logo" target="_blank" href="">{{ 'Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law'|t }}</a>
  21. </div>