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function context_reaction_view_mode::execute in Contextual View Modes 7.3

Execute and return the type of entity view mode that should be used.


string $type: The type of entity we are working on.

object $entity: The entity object to be evaluated.

Return value

mixed False if no match or a string of the view mode if matched.


plugins/, line 81




function execute(&$entity, $type) {

  // Be safe, wrap it up.
  $wrapped = entity_metadata_wrapper($type, $entity);

  // Get the bundle type.
  $bundle = $wrapped

  // Get the available active contexts
  $contexts = $this

  // Loop through each active context and assert the view mode settings.
  foreach ($contexts as $context) {

    // The configuration options for the context.
    $options = $this

    // If no setting found keep moving along.
    if (!isset($options['entity_types'][$type][$bundle])) {

    // If we find a match then return the view mode string.
    if ($options['entity_types'][$type][$bundle] !== "none") {
      return $options['entity_types'][$type][$bundle];

  // Nothing matched. Return false.
  return FALSE;