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public function contextual_range_filter_handler_argument_list_range::options_form in Views Contextual Range Filter 7

Create the options form.

Overrides views_handler_argument_field_list::options_form


views/, line 25
Definition of contextual_filter_range_handler_argument_list_range.


Argument handler for arguments that are list ranges.


public function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
  parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
  $form['description']['#markup'] = t('Contextual list range filter values are taken from the URL.');
  $form['break_phrase']['#title'] = t('Allow multiple list ranges');
  $form['break_phrase']['#description'] = t('If selected, multiple list ranges may be specified by stringing them together with plus signs. Use either the human-readable names or the list keys, which are usually integers.<br/>Example: <strong>infant--teenager+middele-aged--retiree</strong>.');