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function context_reaction_addassets_base::_context_addassets_search in Context Add Assets 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 plugins/ \context_reaction_addassets_base::_context_addassets_search()

* Scan active themes for js files. * *

Return value

Array * An array indexed by file paths containing strings describing each path "Theme Key - File Name"

1 call to context_reaction_addassets_base::_context_addassets_search()
context_reaction_addassets_base::options_form in plugins/
Prepare formatted form array showing grouped assets grouped by location and show as checkboxes


plugins/, line 129
The Context reaction plugin to add asset files


Expose themes as context reactions.


function _context_addassets_search() {
  $found_files = _context_addassets_scandir($this->search_type, $this->search_scope);
  return $found_files;