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function context_reaction_template_suggestions::execute in Context 7.3

Add any new template suggestions to the current list.


plugins/, line 25


Add template suggestions as a context reaction.


function execute(&$vars = NULL) {

  // Get the list of contexts associated with this reaction.
  $contexts = $this

  // Iterate through each, and process those with something set.
  foreach ($contexts as $context) {
    if (isset($context->reactions) && !empty($context->reactions[$this->plugin])) {

      // Get the suggestion data entered by the user.
      $suggestions = $this
        ->fetch_from_context($context, 'values');

      // Convert it to an list and reverse it (as higher priority items
      // should be on the bottom).
      $suggestions = array_reverse(explode("\n", $suggestions));

      // Append the suggested list to the existing list.
      $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array_merge($vars['theme_hook_suggestions'], $suggestions);