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9 calls to context_reaction::fetch_from_context() in Context 6

context_layouts_reaction_block::editor_form in context_layouts/plugins/
Override of editor form.
context_layouts_reaction_block::get_active_layout in context_layouts/plugins/
Retrieve the first layout specified found by any active contexts.
context_layouts_reaction_block::options_form in context_layouts/plugins/
Override of options form.
context_reaction::get_contexts in plugins/
Retrieve active contexts that have values for this reaction.
context_reaction_block::block_list in plugins/
An alternative version of block_list() that provides any context enabled blocks.
context_reaction_block::get_blocks in plugins/
Helper function to generate a list of blocks from a specified region. If provided a context object, will generate a full list of blocks for that region distinguishing between system blocks and context-provided blocks.
context_reaction_css_injector::options_form in plugins/
context_reaction_menu::options_form in plugins/
Provide a form element that allow the admin to chose a menu item.
context_reaction_theme::options_form in plugins/
Allow admins to provide a section title, section subtitle and section class.