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Functions in Context 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
template_preprocess_context_ui_form context_ui/theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_ui_form').
template_preprocess_context_ui_plugins context_ui/theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_ui_plugins').
theme_context_block_form theme/ Block form.
theme_context_block_regions_form theme/ Generates the AJAX enabled block administration portion of the context_ui admin form.
theme_context_block_script_placeholder theme/ Use placeholder content for script tags that need to be replaced.
theme_context_devel context_ui/context_ui.module Takes a retrieved context array and returns a themed out tree representation of that context.
theme_context_devel_recurse context_ui/context_ui.module Helper function to theme_context_devel that recurses down context arrays and themes accordingly. 1
theme_context_links ./ Generates a themed set of links for node types associated with the current active contexts.
theme_context_ui_admin context_ui/ Generates the main context_ui admin page with a tiered context listing.
theme_context_ui_block_ui context_ui/ Generates the AJAX enabled block administration portion of the context_ui admin form.
theme_context_ui_bulk_export_table context_ui/
theme_context_ui_export_form context_ui/ Themes a context value into an export friendly var_export().
theme_context_ui_form context_ui/ Theme function for context_ui_form()
_context_block_sort ./ Helper function to sort blocks. 1
_context_context_plugins ./ Context plugins.
_context_context_registry ./ Context registry.
_context_contrib_css_injector_response context_contrib/context_contrib.module Getter response function for css injector 1
_context_contrib_get_css_injector context_contrib/context_contrib.module Helper function to generate a list of css_injector files. 1
_context_contrib_get_views context_contrib/context_contrib.module Helper function to generate a list of database and module provided views. 1
_context_ui_get_blocks context_ui/ Helper function to generate a list of blocks from a specified region. If provided a context object, will generate a full list of blocks for that region distinguishing between system blocks and context-provided blocks. 2


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