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Functions in Context 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
context_requirements ./context.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
context_save ./context.module Inserts or updates a context object into the database. @TODO: should probably return the new cid on success -- make sure this doesn't break any checks elsewhere. 16
context_schema ./context.install Implementation of hook_schema().
context_set ./context.module Sets a context by namespace + attribute. 2
context_theme ./ Implementation of hook_theme().
context_theme_registry_alter ./ Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
context_ui_block context_ui/context_ui.module Implementation of hook_block(). 1
context_ui_ctools_plugin_directory context_ui/context_ui.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
context_ui_editor context_ui/context_ui.module Inline context editor form. 1
context_ui_editor_cancel context_ui/context_ui.module Cancel handler for context_block_editor(). 1
context_ui_editor_process context_ui/context_ui.module Values processor for context_ui_editor_submit(). Split out for reuse by overriding submit handlers. 1
context_ui_editor_submit context_ui/context_ui.module Save handler for context_block_editor(). 1
context_ui_edit_name_validate context_ui/export_ui/context_export_ui.class.php Replacement for ctools_export_ui_edit_name_validate(). Allow dashes. 1
context_ui_form context_ui/export_ui/context_export_ui.class.php Generates the omnibus context definition editing form. 1
context_ui_form_process context_ui/export_ui/context_export_ui.class.php Modifies a context object from submitted form values. 1
context_ui_form_submit context_ui/export_ui/context_export_ui.class.php Submit handler for main context_ui form. 1
context_ui_help context_ui/context_ui.module Implementation of hook_help().
context_ui_menu context_ui/context_ui.module Implementation of hook_menu().
context_ui_settings context_ui/context_ui.module Settings form. 1
context_ui_settings_submit context_ui/context_ui.module Extra submit handler for context_ui_settings. Mark the menu cache as needing a rebuild. 1
context_ui_theme context_ui/context_ui.module Implementation of hook_theme().
context_ui_update_6004 context_ui/context_ui.install Update 6004: Placeholder update to ensure migrations from older versions in Aegir do not fail.
context_uninstall ./context.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
context_update_6001 ./context.install Update script for context that installs the context schema and migrates any existing context data from deprecated context_ui tables.
context_update_6002 ./context.install Update script for API change in path condition.
context_update_6003 ./context.install Remove deprecated tables from context_ui.
context_update_6301 ./context.install Update 6301: Update schema.
context_update_6302 ./context.install Update 6302: Update old context exportables. This update script may be re-run at any time to update context 2 objects that have been exported.
context_update_6303 ./context.install Update 6303: Add field for context condition mode.
context_update_6304 ./context.install Update 6304: Rename variable 'context_ui_show_empty_regions'.
context_user ./ Implementation of hook_user().
context_views_pre_view ./ Implementation of hook_views_pre_view().
hook_context_allow_ajax_block_access ./context.api.php Allows for finer grained access mechanisms to using the json rendering capabilities of the block reaction when a user isn't granted the administer contexts or context ajax block access permission
hook_context_load_alter ./context.api.php Alter a context directly after it has been loaded. Allows modules to alter a context object's reactions. While you may alter conditions, this will generally have no effect as conditions are cached for performance and contexts are loaded after…
hook_context_node_condition_alter ./context.api.php Alter/add a condition to a node-related event.
hook_context_plugins ./context.api.php CTools plugin API hook for Context. Note that a proper entry in hook_ctools_plugin_api() must exist for this hook to be called.
hook_context_registry ./context.api.php Registry hook for conditions & reactions.
hook_context_registry_alter ./context.api.php Alter the registry.
template_preprocess_context_block_browser theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_block_browser').
template_preprocess_context_block_browser_item theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_block_browser_item').
template_preprocess_context_block_editable_block theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_block_editable_block').
template_preprocess_context_block_editable_region theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_block_editable_region').
template_preprocess_context_ui_editor context_ui/theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_ui_editor').
template_preprocess_context_ui_form context_ui/theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_ui_form').
template_preprocess_context_ui_plugins context_ui/theme/ Preprocessor for theme('context_ui_plugins').
theme_context_block_form theme/ Block form.
theme_context_block_regions_form theme/ Generates the AJAX enabled block administration portion of the context_ui admin form.
theme_context_block_script_placeholder theme/ Use placeholder content for script tags that need to be replaced.
_context_context_plugins ./ Context plugins. 1
_context_context_registry ./ Context registry. 1


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