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6 calls to context_enabled_contexts() in Context 6.2

context_active_contexts in ./context.module
Loads any active contexts with associated reactions. This should be run at a late stage of the page load to ensure that relevant contexts have been set.
context_condition_map in ./context.module
Loads an associative array of conditions => context identifiers to allow contexts to be set by different conditions. Called by context_set_by_condition().
context_init in ./context.module
Implementation of hook_init().
context_set_by_condition in ./context.module
Sets a namespace-attribute-value context that has been associated with the provided condition.
context_ui_form_block_admin_configure_alter in context_ui/context_ui.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter() for block_admin_configure.
context_update_6002 in ./context.install
Update script for API change in path condition.