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8 calls to context_active_values() in Context 6.2

context_blocks in ./
This override of theme_blocks() is called because of an alter of the theme registry. See context_theme_registry_alter().
context_block_list in ./
An alternative version of block_list() that provides any context enabled blocks.
context_links in ./
Generates an array of links (suitable for use with theme_links) to the node forms of types associated with current active contexts.
context_menu_navigation_links in ./
Wrapper around menu_navigation_links() that gives themers the option of building navigation links based on an active context trail.
context_menu_set_active in ./
Iterates through a provided links array for use with theme_links() (e.g. from menu_primary_links()) and provides an active class for any items that have a path that matches an active context.
context_preprocess_page in ./
Implementation of preprocess_page().
css_injector_context_page_reaction in context_contrib/context_contrib.module
Implementation hook_context_page_reaction() on behalf of css injector.
js_injector_context_page_reaction in context_contrib/context_contrib.module
Implementation hook_context_page_reaction() on behalf of js injector.