function ContentTaxonomyTestCase::assertNodeMultiValues in Content Taxonomy 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.2 tests/content_taxonomy.test \ContentTaxonomyTestCase::assertNodeMultiValues()
helper assertion function, which checks if the node field array is built correctly
2 calls to ContentTaxonomyTestCase::assertNodeMultiValues()
- tests/
content_taxonomy.test, line 46
- ContentTaxonomyTestCase
- Base Class for testing Content Taxonomy extends the ContentCrudTestCase Class from CCK, which provides many useful helper functions
function assertNodeMultiValues($node, $field_name, $terms_in = array(), $terms_out = array()) {
$tids = array();
if (is_array($node->{$field_name})) {
foreach ($node->{$field_name} as $key => $value) {
$tids[$value['value']] = $value['value'];
foreach ($terms_in as $term) {
->assertTrue(in_array($term->tid, $tids), 'Term correctly in node field');
foreach ($terms_out as $term) {
->assertTrue(!in_array($term->tid, $tids), 'Term correctly in node field');