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content_taxonomy_autocomplete.module in Content Taxonomy 5

Defines a widget type for content_taxonomy with autocomplete


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 * @file
 * Defines a widget type for content_taxonomy with autocomplete

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/modules#description':
      return t('Defines a widget type for content_taxonomy with autocomplete. <em>Note: Requires content.module.</em>');

 * Implementation of hook_widget_info().
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_widget_info() {
  return array(
    'content_taxonomy_autocomplete' => array(
      'label' => 'Autocomplete',
      'field types' => array(
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_widget_settings
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_widget_settings($op, $widget) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'form':
      $form = array();
      $form['autocomplete'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Autocomplete'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      $form['autocomplete']['new_terms'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#title' => t('How to manage new inputed terms from a user?'),
        '#default_value' => isset($widget['new_terms']) ? $widget['new_terms'] : 'insert',
        '#options' => array(
          'insert' => t('Allow and insert new terms into the taxonomy tree'),
          'deny' => t('Deny any new terms'),
      return $form;
    case 'save':
      return array(

 * Implementation of hook_widget().
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_widget($op, &$node, $field, &$node_field) {
  $vid = $field['vid'];
  $tid = $field['tid'];
  $depth = !empty($field['depth']) ? $field['depth'] : NULL;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'form':
      $form = array();
      $form[$field['field_name']] = array(
        '#tree' => TRUE,
        '#weight' => $field['widget']['weight'],
      $form[$field['field_name']]['values'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => $field['widget']['label'],
        '#autocomplete_path' => 'content_taxonomy/autocomplete/' . $field['field_name'] . '/' . $field['multiple'],
        '#default_value' => isset($node_field[$field['tid']]) ? content_taxonomy_autocomplete_merge_tags($node_field[$field['tid']], $vid, $tid) : $field['widget']['default_value']['values'],
        '#description' => t($field['widget']['description']),
        '#required' => $field['required'],
      return $form;
    case 'validate':
      if ($field['multiple'] == 'single' && count(content_taxonomy_autocomplete_split_tags($node_field['values'], $vid)) > 1) {
        form_set_error($field['field_name'] . '][value', t('You can provide only one value'));
      if ($field['widget']['new_terms'] == 'deny') {
        $tids = content_taxonomy_autocomplete_tags_get_tids($node_field['values'], $vid, $field['tid']);
        if (is_array($tids['non_existing_terms'])) {
          form_set_error($field['field_name'], t('New tags are not allowed'));
    case 'process form values':
      $all_tids = content_taxonomy_autocomplete_tags_get_tids($node_field['values'], $vid, $field['tid']);
      $node_field['tids'] = $all_tids['existing_tids'];
      if ($field['widget']['new_terms'] == 'insert') {
        if (is_array($all_tids['non_existing_terms'])) {
          if ($tid && $depth == 1) {
            $new_tids = content_taxonomy_autocomplete_insert_tags($all_tids['non_existing_terms'], $tid);
          else {
            $new_tids = content_taxonomy_autocomplete_insert_tags($all_tids['non_existing_terms']);
          if (is_array($node_field['tids'])) {
            $node_field['tids'] += $new_tids;
          else {
            $node_field['tids'] = $new_tids;
      if (isset($field['save']) && $field['save'] != 'tag') {
        $keys = array();
        if (!$node_field['tids']) {
          $node_field['tids'] = array();
        foreach ($node_field['tids'] as $key => $tid) {
          if ($tid != 0) {
            $keys[$key] = $tid;
        $node_field = content_transpose_array_rows_cols(array(
          'value' => $keys,

 * Implementation of hook_menu
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_menu($may_cache) {
  $access = user_access('access content');
  $items = array();
  if (!$may_cache) {
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'content_taxonomy/autocomplete',
      'callback' => 'content_taxonomy_autocomplete_load',
      'access' => $access,
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions
 * @param String Fieldname
 * @param Integer TID of a parent (optional)
 * @param BOOLEAN whether a multiple field or not
 * @param STRING typed input
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_load($field_name, $multiple = TRUE, $string = '') {

  // The user enters a comma-separated list of tags. We only autocomplete the last tag.
  // This regexp allows the following types of user input:
  // this, "somecmpany, llc", "and ""this"" w,o.rks", foo bar
  $content_type_info = _content_type_info();
  $vid = $content_type_info['fields'][$field_name]['vid'];
  if ($content_type_info['fields'][$field_name]['tid']) {
    $tid = $content_type_info['fields'][$field_name]['tid'];
  elseif ($content_type_info['fields'][$field_name]['parent']) {
    $tid = $content_type_info['fields'][$field_name]['parent'];
  $regexp = '%(?:^|,\\ *)("(?>[^"]*)(?>""[^"]* )*"|(?: [^",]*))%x';
  preg_match_all($regexp, $string, $matches);
  $array = $matches[1];

  // Fetch last tag
  $last_string = trim(array_pop($array));
  if ($last_string != '') {
    if ($tid) {
      $result = db_query_range(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT FROM {term_data} t \n        LEFT JOIN {term_synonym} s ON t.tid = s.tid\n        INNER JOIN {term_hierarchy} h ON  t.tid = h.tid\n        WHERE h.parent = %d \n        AND (LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%%%s%%') OR LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%%%s%%'))", 't', 'tid'), $tid, $last_string, $last_string, 0, 10);
    else {
      $result = db_query_range(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT FROM {term_data} t \n        LEFT JOIN {term_synonym} s ON t.tid = s.tid\n        WHERE t.vid = %d \n        AND (LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%%%s%%') OR LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%%%s%%'))", 't', 'tid'), $vid, $last_string, $last_string, 0, 10);
    if ($multiple) {
      $prefix = count($array) ? implode(',', $array) . ', ' : '';
    else {
      $prefix = '';
    $matches = array();
    while ($tag = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $n = $tag->name;

      // Commas and quotes in terms are special cases, so encode 'em.
      if (preg_match('/,/', $tag->name) || preg_match('/"/', $tag->name)) {
        $n = '"' . preg_replace('/"/', '""', $tag->name) . '"';
      $matches[$prefix . $n] = check_plain($tag->name);
    print drupal_to_js($matches);

 * Get TIDs for freetagging tags
 *  Free tagging vocabularies do not send their tids in the form,
 *  so we'll detect them here and process them independently.
 * @param $typed_input A string containing all comma separated tags. As the user typed it.
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_tags_get_tids($typed_input, $vid, $parent = 0) {

  // This regexp allows the following types of user input:
  // this, "somecmpany, llc", "and ""this"" w,o.rks", foo bar
  $typed_terms = content_taxonomy_autocomplete_split_tags($typed_input);
  foreach ($typed_terms as $typed_term) {

    // If a user has escaped a term (to demonstrate that it is a group,
    // or includes a comma or quote character), we remove the escape
    // formatting so to save the term into the DB as the user intends.
    $typed_term = str_replace('""', '"', preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/', '\\1', $typed_term));
    $typed_term = trim($typed_term);
    if ($typed_term == "") {

    // See if the term exists in the chosen vocabulary
    // and return the tid, otherwise, add a new record.
    $possibilities = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($typed_term);
    $typed_term_tid = NULL;

    // tid match if any.
    foreach ($possibilities as $possibility) {
      if ($possibility->vid == $vid) {
        if ($parent) {
          $parents = array();
          $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($possibility->tid);
          if (in_array($parent, array_keys($parents))) {
            $result['existing_tids'][$possibility->tid] = $possibility->tid;
            $typed_term_tid = $possibility->tid;
        else {
          $result['existing_tids'][$possibility->tid] = $possibility->tid;
          $typed_term_tid = $possibility->tid;
    if (!$typed_term_tid) {
      $result['non_existing_terms'][] = array(
        'name' => $typed_term,
        'vid' => $vid,
  return $result;

 * Insert new tags
 * @param $nid the node id
 * @param $terms an array of all <strong>nonexisting</strong> terms.
 * @return an array of newly inserted term ids
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_insert_tags($terms, $parent = NULL) {
  foreach ($terms as $term) {
    $edit = array(
      'vid' => $term['vid'],
      'name' => $term['name'],
    if ($parent) {
      $edit['parent'] = $parent;
    $status = taxonomy_save_term($edit);
    $saved_terms[$edit['tid']] = $edit['tid'];
  return $saved_terms;

 * Helper function to split the tags
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_split_tags($typed_input) {
  $regexp = '%(?:^|,\\ *)("(?>[^"]*)(?>""[^"]* )*"|(?: [^",]*))%x';
  preg_match_all($regexp, $typed_input, $matches);
  return $matches[1];

 * Helper function to merge the tags, to prefill the fields when editing a node.
function content_taxonomy_autocomplete_merge_tags($terms, $vid, $parent = NULL) {
  $typed_terms = array();
  if (!empty($terms)) {
    foreach ($terms as $term) {

      // Extract terms belonging to the vocabulary in question.
      if ($term->vid == $vid) {

        //if ($tid && in_array($term->tid,drupal_map_assoc(array_keys((taxonomy_get_children($tid,$vid)))))) {

        // Commas and quotes in terms are special cases, so encode 'em.
        if (preg_match('/,/', $term->name) || preg_match('/"/', $term->name)) {
          $term->name = '"' . preg_replace('/"/', '""', $term->name) . '"';
        $typed_terms[] = $term->name;

        // }
  return implode(', ', $typed_terms);


Namesort descending Description
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_help Implementation of hook_help().
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_insert_tags Insert new tags
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_load Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_menu Implementation of hook_menu
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_merge_tags Helper function to merge the tags, to prefill the fields when editing a node.
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_split_tags Helper function to split the tags
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_tags_get_tids Get TIDs for freetagging tags Free tagging vocabularies do not send their tids in the form, so we'll detect them here and process them independently.
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_widget Implementation of hook_widget().
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_widget_info Implementation of hook_widget_info().
content_taxonomy_autocomplete_widget_settings Implementation of hook_widget_settings