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namespace Drupal\content_sync\Form in Content Synchronization 8

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.2 Drupal\content_sync\Form
  2. 3.0.x Drupal\content_sync\Form
Classsort descending Location Description
ContentExportForm src/Form/ContentExportForm.php Defines the content export form.
ContentImportForm src/Form/ContentImportForm.php Defines the content import form.
ContentLogFilterForm src/Form/ContentLogFilterForm.php Provides the database logging filter form.
ContentSettingsForm src/Form/ContentSettingsForm.php
ContentSingleExportForm src/Form/ContentSingleExportForm.php Provides a form for exporting a single content file.
ContentSingleImportForm src/Form/ContentSingleImportForm.php Provides a form for importing a single content file.
ContentSync src/Form/ContentSync.php Construct the storage changes in a content synchronization form.