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17 calls to content_profile_get_types() in Content Profile 6

ContentProfilePageEditProfile::getAdminForm in ./
ContentProfilePageViewProfile::getAdminForm in ./
content_profile_action_load_form in ./
content_profile_help in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_help().
content_profile_menu in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
content_profile_menu_alter in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu_alter(). Take over menu items generated by the user module for our categories.
content_profile_node_from_user_ctools_settings_form in panels/relationships/
Settings form for the relationship
content_profile_registration_form_alter in modules/content_profile_registration.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
content_profile_rules_defaults in ./
Implementation of hook_rules_defaults(). Add a disabled default rule which redirects to the profile creation page, if users have no profile.
content_profile_show_profiles in ./content_profile.module
Returns an array suitable for use with drupal_render, that shows all content_profiles as configured by the admin.
content_profile_theme_variables::get_profile_types in ./
Gets all type names keyed with their machine readable names.
content_profile_tokens_token_list in modules/content_profile_tokens.module
Implementation of hook_token_list().
content_profile_tokens_token_values in modules/content_profile_tokens.module
Implementation of hook_token_values().
content_profile_update_6003 in ./content_profile.install
Update the settings to reflect the changes of the format ('edit_link_sub' has been removed in favour of 'edit_tab')
content_profile_user in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_user().
content_profile_user_has_profile_condition_form in ./
content_profile_views_handler_relationship::options_form in views/
Adds a form element for choosing the right content type.