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11 calls to content_profile_get_settings() in Content Profile 6

content_profile_admin_settings in ./content_profile.module
Menu callback; content profile settings.
content_profile_admin_settings_submit in ./content_profile.module
content_profile_default_path_handler in ./
Default path handler for content profile, which uses the default system paths
content_profile_get_types in ./content_profile.module
Builds a list of available content types that are marked as content_profiles, and returns an array of content profile content types in the specified format.
content_profile_menu in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
content_profile_registration_add_profile_form in modules/content_profile_registration.module
Adds in the profile form of the given content type to the registration form
content_profile_registration_form_alter in modules/content_profile_registration.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
content_profile_registration_user_register_validate in modules/content_profile_registration.module
Validates the user registration form
content_profile_show_profiles in ./content_profile.module
Returns an array suitable for use with drupal_render, that shows all content_profiles as configured by the admin.
content_profile_update_6003 in ./content_profile.install
Update the settings to reflect the changes of the format ('edit_link_sub' has been removed in favour of 'edit_tab')
content_profile_user in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_user().