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8 calls to ContentLock::isFormOperationLockEnabled() in Content locking (anti-concurrent editing) 8.2

ContentLock::fetchLock in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Fetch the lock for an entity.
ContentLock::isLockable in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Check whether a node is configured to be protected by content_lock.
ContentLock::isLockedBy in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Check lock status.
ContentLock::locking in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Try to lock a document for editing.
ContentLock::lockingDelete in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Delete locking item from database.
ContentLock::lockingSave in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Save locking into database.
ContentLock::release in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Release a locked entity.
ContentLock::unlockButton in src/ContentLock/ContentLock.php
Builds a button class, link type form element to unlock the content.