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Content Lock Hooks in Content locking (anti-concurrent editing) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \content_lock_hooks
  2. 7.3 content_lock.api.php \content_lock_hooks
  3. 7.2 content_lock.api.php \content_lock_hooks

Hooks which allow <a href="">content_lock</a> to be extended.


./, line 11
Document content_lock hooks.


Namesort descending Location Description
hook_content_lock_form_id_blacklist_alter ./ Alter the blacklist of form_ids.
hook_content_lock_locked ./ Respond to a lock being successfully set.
hook_content_lock_node_lockable ./ Determine whether or not a node is lockable.
hook_content_lock_node_type_blacklist_alter ./ Alter the node type blacklist.
hook_content_lock_release ./ Respond to a node's lock being released.
hook_content_lock_skip_locking ./ Determine if locking should be disabled for a given node (e.g. by checking its type or other properties).


Namesort descending Location Description ./ Document content_lock hooks.