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content_lock.schema.yml in Content locking (anti-concurrent editing) 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 config/schema/content_lock.schema.yml


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  1. content_lock.settings:
  2. type: config_object
  3. mapping:
  4. verbose:
  5. type: integer
  6. label: 'Display content lock messages'
  7. types:
  8. type: sequence
  9. label: 'Types'
  10. sequence:
  11. type: sequence
  12. label: 'Entity type'
  13. sequence:
  14. type: string
  15. label: 'Bundle type'
  16. types_translation_lock:
  17. type: sequence
  18. label: 'Entity types with translation lock on'
  19. types_js_lock:
  20. type: sequence
  21. label: 'Entity types with JS lock on'
  22. form_op_lock:
  23. type: sequence
  24. label: 'Entity types'
  25. sequence:
  26. type: mapping
  27. mapping:
  28. mode:
  29. type: integer
  30. label: 'Disabled / blacklist / whitelist mode per entity type'
  31. values:
  32. type: sequence
  33. label: 'Whitelisted / blacklisted form operations per entity type'
  34. sequence:
  35. type: string
  36. label: 'form operation'
  37. # Remove in D8.5
  38. action.configuration.entity:break_lock:*:
  39. type: action_configuration_default
  40. label: 'Break lock action'