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Functions in Content Access 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
content_access_node_type ./content_access.module Implementation of hook_node_type(): Update settings on node type name change.
content_access_optimize_grants ./content_access.module Removes grants that doesn't change anything. 1
content_access_own_op ./content_access.module Determines the grant for the node author and the given allowed roles of a operation. 2
content_access_page ./ Per node settings page. 1
content_access_page_reset ./ 1
content_access_page_submit ./
content_access_parse_settings ./ Parse submitted settings for per-node form into internal format. 3
content_access_perm ./content_access.module Implementation of hook_perm().
content_access_per_node_setting ./content_access.module Returns the per node role settings. If no per node settings are available, it will return the content type settings. 8
content_access_proccess_grant ./content_access.module Process a grant, which means add priority, realm and other properties. 2
content_access_role_based_form ./ Builds the role based permission form for the given defaults. 3
content_access_rules_action_info ./ Implementation of hook_action_info().
content_access_rules_condition_info ./ Implementation of hook_condition_info().
content_access_rules_role_based_form ./ Adds the role based settings to the form. 3
content_access_save_permissions ./ Saves the given permissions by role to the database. 2
content_access_save_per_node_settings ./content_access.module Saves custom per node settings in the own content_access table. 3
content_access_schema ./content_access.install Implementation of hook_schema().
content_access_set_settings ./content_access.module Saves the content_access settings - needs the complete settings array. 3
content_access_uninstall ./content_access.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
content_access_update_6001 ./content_access.install Upgrade from d5 to d6
content_access_user_admin_perm_submit ./ Submit callback for the user permissions form. Trigger changes to node permissions to rebuild our grants. 1
_content_access_get_node_permissions ./ 1
_content_access_get_operations ./content_access.module Returns an array of operations used by the module. 9
_content_access_remove_acls ./ Detaches all our ACLs for the nodes of the given type. 1
_content_access_rules_check_setting ./ Verifies that per content settings are activated for the given node. 6


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