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7 calls to content_access_per_node_setting() in Content Access 7

content_access_action_grant_node_permissions in content_access_rules/
Action implementation: Grant permissions for a node.
content_access_action_revoke_node_permissions in content_access_rules/
Action implementation: Revoke permissions for a node.
content_access_delete_per_node_settings in ./content_access.module
Deletes all custom per node settings, so that content type defaults are used again.
content_access_get_rids_per_node_op in ./content_access.module
Returns optimized role ids for the given operation and node to grant access for.
content_access_node_access_records in ./content_access.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
content_access_page in ./
Per node settings page.
content_access_save_per_node_settings in ./content_access.module
Saves custom per node settings in the own content_access table.