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public function ContactStorageTest::testContactStorage in Contact Storage 8

Tests contact messages submitted through contact form.


tests/src/Functional/ContactStorageTest.php, line 84


Tests storing contact messages and viewing them through UI.




public function testContactStorage() {

  // Create first valid contact form.
  $mail = '';
    ->addContactForm('test_id', 'test_label', $mail, TRUE);
    ->assertText('Contact form test_label has been added.');

  // Ensure that anonymous can submit site-wide contact form.
  user_role_grant_permissions(AccountInterface::ANONYMOUS_ROLE, [
    'access site-wide contact form',
    ->assertText('Your email address');
    ->submitContact('Test_name', $mail, 'Test_subject', 'test_id', 'Test_message');
    ->assertText('Your message has been sent.');

  // Verify that only 1 message has been sent (by default, the "Send a copy
  // to yourself" option is disabled.
  $captured_emails = $this
    ->assertTrue(count($captured_emails) === 1);

  // Login as admin.

  // Verify that the global setting stating whether e-mails should be sent in
  // HTML format is false by default.

  // Verify that this first e-mail was sent in plain text format.
  $captured_emails = $this
    ->assertTrue(strpos($captured_emails[0]['headers']['Content-Type'], 'text/plain') !== FALSE);

  // Go to the settings form and enable sending messages in HTML format.
  $enable_html = [
    'send_html' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $enable_html, t('Save configuration'));

  // Check that the form POST was successful.
    ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');

  // Check that the global setting is properly updated.
  $display_fields = [
    "The sender's name",
    "The sender's email",

  // Check that the page title is correct.
    ->assertTitle('test_label | Drupal');

  // Check that the configuration edit page title is correct.
    ->assertTitle('Edit test_label | Drupal');

  // Check that name, subject and mail are configurable on display.
  foreach ($display_fields as $label) {

  // Check that preview is configurable on form display.

  // Check the message list overview.
  $rows = $this

  // Make sure only 1 message is available.
    ->assertEqual(count($rows), 1);

  // Some fields should be present.

  // Click the view link and make sure name, subject and email are displayed
  // by default.
  foreach ($display_fields as $label) {

  // Make sure the stored message is correct.
    ->assertFieldById('edit-name', 'Test_name');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-mail', $mail);
    ->assertFieldById('edit-subject-0-value', 'Test_subject');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-message-0-value', 'Test_message');

  // Submit should redirect back to listing.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Save'));

  // Delete the message.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, NULL, t('Delete'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The @entity-type %label has been deleted.', [
    // See \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDeleteFormTrait::getDeletionMessage().
    '@entity-type' => 'contact message',
    '%label' => 'Test_subject',

  // Make sure no messages are available.
    ->assertText('There is no Contact message yet.');

  // Fill the "Submit button text" field and assert the form can still be
  // submitted.
  $edit = [
    'contact_storage_submit_text' => 'Submit the form',
    'contact_storage_preview' => FALSE,
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/contact/manage/test_id', $edit, t('Save'));
  $edit = [
    'subject[0][value]' => 'Test subject',
    'message[0][value]' => 'Test message',
  $element = $this

  // Preview button is hidden.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Submit the form'));
    ->assertText('Your message has been sent.');

  // Add an Options email item field to the form.
  $settings = [
    'settings[allowed_values]' => "test_key1|test_label1|\ntest_key2|test_label2|",
    ->fieldUIAddNewField('admin/structure/contact/manage/test_id', 'category', 'Category', 'contact_storage_options_email', $settings);

  // Verify that the new field shows up correctly on the form.
    ->assertOption('edit-field-category', '_none');
    ->assertOption('edit-field-category', 'test_key1');
    ->assertOption('edit-field-category', 'test_key2');

  // Send a message using the Options email item field and enable the "Send a
  // copy to yourself" option.
  $captured_emails = $this
  $emails_count_before = count($captured_emails);
  $edit = [
    'subject[0][value]' => 'Test subject',
    'message[0][value]' => 'Test message',
    'field_category' => 'test_key2',
    'copy' => 'checked',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Submit the form'));
    ->assertText('Your message has been sent.');

  // Check that 2 messages were sent and that the body of the last
  // message contains the added message.
  $captured_emails = $this
  $emails_count_after = count($captured_emails);
    ->assertTrue($emails_count_after === $emails_count_before + 2);
    ->assertMailString('body', 'test_key2', 2);

  // The last message is the one sent as a copy, the one before it is the
  // original. Check that the original contains the added recipients and that
  // the copied one is only sent to the sender.
  $logged_in_user_email = $this->loggedInUser
    ->assertTrue($captured_emails[$emails_count_after - 2]['to'] == "{$mail},");
    ->assertTrue($captured_emails[$emails_count_after - 1]['to'] == $logged_in_user_email);

  // Test clone functionality - add field to existing form.
    ->fieldUIAddNewField('admin/structure/contact/manage/test_id', 'text_field', 'Text field', 'text');

  // Then clone it.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'id' => 'test_id_2',
    'label' => 'Cloned',
  ], t('Clone'));
  $edit = [
    'subject[0][value]' => 'Test subject',
    'message[0][value]' => 'Test message',

  // The added field should be on the cloned form too.
  $edit['field_text_field[0][value]'] = 'Some text';
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Submit the form'));
  $form = ContactForm::load('test_id_2');

  // Try changing the options email label, field default value and setting it
  // to required.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'label' => 'Category-2',
    'required' => TRUE,
    'default_value_input[field_category]' => 'test_key1',
  ], t('Save settings'));

  // Verify that the changes are visible into the contact form.
    ->assertOption('edit-field-category', 'test_key1');
    ->assertOption('edit-field-category', 'test_key2');
    ->xpath('//select[@id="edit-field-category" and @required="required"]//option[@value="test_key1" and @selected="selected"]'));

  // Verify that the 'View messages' link exists for the 2 forms and that it
  // links to the correct view.

  // Create a new contact form and assert that the disable link exists for
  // each forms.
    ->addContactForm('test_disable_id', 'test_disable_label', '', FALSE);
  $contact_form_count = count(ContactForm::loadMultiple());
    ->cssSelect('li.disable a:contains(Disable)')), $contact_form_count);

  // Disable the form and assert that there is 1 less "Disable" button and 1
  // "Enable" button.
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/contact/manage/test_disable_id/disable', NULL, t('Disable'));
    ->assertText('Disabled contact form test_disable_label.');
    ->cssSelect('li.disable a:contains(Disable)')), $contact_form_count - 1);
    ->cssSelect('li.enable a:contains(Enable)')), 1);

  // Assert that the disabled form has no input or text area and the message.
    ->cssSelect('input')), 0);
    ->cssSelect('textarea')), 0);
    ->assertText('This contact form has been disabled.');

  // Try to re-enable the form and assert that it can be accessed.
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/contact/manage/test_disable_id/enable', NULL, t('Enable'));
    ->assertText('Enabled contact form test_disable_label.');
    ->assertNoText('This contact form has been disabled.');

  // Create a new contact form with a custom disabled message, disable it and
  // assert that the message displayed is correct.
    ->addContactForm('test_disable_id_2', 'test_disable_label_2', '', FALSE, [
    'contact_storage_disabled_form_message' => 'custom disabled message',
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/contact/manage/test_disable_id_2/disable', NULL, t('Disable'));
    ->assertText('Disabled contact form test_disable_label_2.');
    ->assertText('custom disabled message');