function ContactAttachContactFormsTestCase::submitWithAttachments in Contact Attach 7
Submits contact forms with attachments after setting the settings.
int $rid: The role ID of the role.
string $extensions: The extensions that will be set as allowed for the role.
string $uploadsize: The maximum allowed file size that will be set for the role.
object $user: (optional) A fully-loaded $user object of the user to log in. Defaults to NULL.
1 call to ContactAttachContactFormsTestCase::submitWithAttachments()
- ContactAttachContactFormsTestCase::testContactAttachContactForms in ./
contact_attach.test - Tests the attachment functionality on the site-wide and user contact forms.
- ./
contact_attach.test, line 509 - Tests for the Contact Attach module.
- ContactAttachContactFormsTestCase
- Tests the Contact Attach functionality for site-wide and user contact forms.
function submitWithAttachments($rid, $extensions, $uploadsize, $user = NULL) {
if ($user) {
foreach ($this->contact_forms_short as $contact_form_short => $contact_form_path) {
if ($contact_form_short === 'site') {
$contact_form_permission = 'attach files on site-wide contact form';
$mail_id = 'contact_page_mail';
$mail_subject_start = '[Website feedback] ';
elseif ($contact_form_short === 'user') {
$contact_form_permission = 'attach files on personal contact forms';
$mail_id = 'contact_user_mail';
$mail_subject_start = '[Drupal] ';
$this->extensions[$rid] = $extensions;
$this->uploadsizes[$rid] = $uploadsize;
variable_set('contact_attach_extensions_' . $contact_form_short, $this->extensions);
variable_set('contact_attach_uploadsize_' . $contact_form_short, $this->uploadsizes);
$contact_attach_numbers = variable_get('contact_attach_number_' . $contact_form_short, array());
$roles = _contact_attach_get_valid_roles($contact_form_permission, $contact_attach_numbers);
$allowed_extensions = _contact_attach_return_allowed_extensions($roles, $contact_form_short);
$file_size_limit = _contact_attach_return_max_file_size($roles, $contact_form_short);
$this->message['subject'] = 'Test message - ' . $this->file_field_type . ' - role ' . $rid;
// Ensure that the user can not send messages with attachments when the
// file depasses the maximum file size and the file does not have an
// allowed extension.
$filename = 'testfile1.txt';
file_put_contents('public://' . $filename, $this
$this->message['files[contact_attach_1]'] = drupal_realpath('public://' . $filename);
->drupalPost($contact_form_path, $this->message, t('Send message'));
->assertNoText(t('Your message has been sent.'));
->assertUniqueText(t('The specified file @filename could not be uploaded.', array(
'@filename' => $filename,
->assertUniqueText(t('Only files with the following extensions are allowed: @extensions.', array(
'@extensions' => $allowed_extensions,
->assertUniqueText(t('The file is @filesize exceeding the maximum file size of @maxsize.', array(
'@filesize' => format_size(filesize('public://' . $filename)),
'@maxsize' => format_size($file_size_limit),
// Ensure that a 1 byte file can be attached, but will still be refused
// because it is not an allowed extension.
$tinyfile_name = 'tinyfile.txt';
file_put_contents('public://' . $tinyfile_name, '1');
$this->message['files[contact_attach_1]'] = drupal_realpath('public://' . $tinyfile_name);
->drupalPost($contact_form_path, $this->message, t('Send message'));
->assertNoText(t('Your message has been sent.'));
->assertUniqueText(t('The specified file @filename could not be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: @extensions.', array(
'@filename' => $tinyfile_name,
'@extensions' => $allowed_extensions,
// Ensure that a file with an allowed extension can be attached, but will
// still be refused as it depasses the maximum file size.
$filename = 'testfile2.' . ltrim(substr($extensions, strrpos($extensions, ' ')));
file_put_contents('public://' . $filename, $this
$this->message['files[contact_attach_1]'] = drupal_realpath('public://' . $filename);
->drupalPost($contact_form_path, $this->message, t('Send message'));
->assertNoText(t('Your message has been sent.'));
->assertUniqueText(t('The specified file @filename could not be uploaded. The file is @filesize exceeding the maximum file size of @maxsize.', array(
'@filename' => $filename,
'@filesize' => format_size(filesize('public://' . $filename)),
'@maxsize' => format_size($file_size_limit),
// Ensure that the user can send messages with attachments when the file
// does not depass the maximum file size and the file has an allowed
// extension.
$file = new stdClass();
$file->filename = 'testfile3-' . $contact_form_short . '.' . ltrim(substr($extensions, strrpos($extensions, ' ')));
$file->uri = 'temporary://' . $file->filename;
// Put the submitted file in another location so that file_save_upload()
// does not rename its saved file because the filename already exists.
file_put_contents('public://' . $file->filename, '1');
$file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file->filename);
$this->message['files[contact_attach_1]'] = drupal_realpath('public://' . $file->filename);
->drupalPost($contact_form_path, $this->message, t('Send message'));
// The file has been deleted in _contact_attach_add_attachment() after the
// file was embedded, so we need to use the copy from now on.
$file->uri = 'public://' . $file->filename;
->assertUniqueText(t('Your message has been sent.'));
->assertNoText(t('The specified file @filename could not be uploaded.', array(
'@filename' => $file->filename,
->assertNoText(t('Only files with the following extensions are allowed: @extensions.', array(
'@extensions' => $allowed_extensions,
->assertNoText(t('The file is @filesize exceeding the maximum file size of @maxsize.', array(
'@filesize' => format_size(filesize($file->uri)),
'@maxsize' => format_size($file_size_limit),
// Verify that the mail was successfully sent and that the attachment is a
// part of the body.
$captured_email = $this
'id' => $mail_id,
'from' => $this->message['mail'],
'subject' => $mail_subject_start . $this->message['subject'],
->assertEqual(count($captured_email), 1, 'One mail successfully sent.');
list(, $boundary_id) = explode('"', $captured_email[0]['headers']['Content-Type']);
->assertEqual(substr_count($captured_email[0]['body'], $boundary_id), 3, 'Boundary ID appears 3 times in the sent message.');
$attachment = "--{$boundary_id}\n" . _contact_attach_add_attachment($file, array(), FALSE) . "\n\n--{$boundary_id}--\n";
// chunk_split() uses \r\n as line ending sequence by default, but a mail
// function removes \r, so we must do the same for the comparison to work.
$attachment = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $attachment);
->assertEqual(strstr($captured_email[0]['body'], $attachment), $attachment, 'Attachment exists in the body of the sent message.');
if ($user) {