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18 calls to cc::get_id_from_link() in Constant Contact 6.2

cc::clear_contacts in ./
* Be careful with this method :) * You can use this to clear all contacts from a specific set of contact lists * * *
cc::create_campaign in ./
* Creates a new campaign * * @access public
cc::create_contact in ./
* Creates a new contact * * @access public
cc::create_contacts in ./
* This method is used to add 25 or more contacts * Pass this method an associative array of contact details * Alternatively you can give a path to a local or remote file * The file should be text or CSV format: * * * *
cc::create_list in ./
* Creates a new contact list * * * @access public
cc::export_contacts in ./
* This method creates a new export contacts activity * It returns the activity ID to use to check the status * * *
cc::get_activities in ./
* Gets all activities * * @access public
cc::get_activity in ./
* Gets an individual activity * * @access public
cc::get_campaign in ./
* Gets an individual campaign * * @access public
cc::get_campaigns in ./
* Gets all campaigns * * @access public
cc::get_contact in ./
* Gets a specific contacts details * * @access public
cc::get_contacts in ./
* Gets all contacts and allows paging of the results * * @access public
cc::get_emails in ./
* Gets all account email addresses * These are used with the campaigns collection * * @access public
cc::get_list in ./
* Gets the details of a specific constant list * * * @access public
cc::get_lists in ./
* Gets all the contact lists for the CC account * The results are pageable * Second argument can be used to show/hide the do-not-mail etc lists * * * @access public
cc::get_list_members in ./
* Gets the members (contacts) in a specific contact list * Supports paging of the results * * * @access public
cc::query_campaigns in ./
* This queries the API for campaigns with a certain status * Supported status codes are: * SENT All campaigns that have been sent and not currently scheduled for resend * SCHEDULED All campaigns that are currently scheduled to be sent…
cc::query_contacts in ./
* This queries the API for contacts with a similar email address to the one you supply * * @access public