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public function ConfigurationCtoolsWebTestCase::trackViewsConfigurations in Configuration Management 7

Tests tracking configurations for the views module.

2 calls to ConfigurationCtoolsWebTestCase::trackViewsConfigurations()
ConfigurationCtoolsWebTestCase::testViewsImportDatastoreToActivestore in tests/configuration.ctools.test
Tests that configurations that are marked as overriden are reverted properly.
ConfigurationCtoolsWebTestCase::testViewsOverridden in tests/configuration.ctools.test
Tests that views configurations that are marked as overriden are reverted properly.


tests/configuration.ctools.test, line 49
Test cases for contrib modules supported by configuration.


Configuration test case for ctools.


public function trackViewsConfigurations() {

  // Track default views.
  $components = array(
    'views_view' => array(
  $files = array();
  foreach ($components as $name => $value) {
    $files[] = 'configuration.' . $name . '.inc';
    ->trackConfigurations($components, $files);