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ContentTypeConfigurationHandler.php in Configuration Management 7.3


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namespace Configuration\Handlers;

use Configuration\Configuration;
use Configuration\Handlers\ConfigurationHandler;
class ContentTypeConfigurationHandler extends ConfigurationHandler {
  public static function getSupportedTypes() {
    return array(
  public function getIdentifiers() {
    return $this->configuration_manager
  public function loadFromDatabase($identifier) {
    $content_type_name = $this
    $configuration = new Configuration();
    $content_type = (object) $this->configuration_manager
    $data = new \StdClass();
    $keys = array(
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
      $data->{$key} = $content_type->{$key};

    // Force module name to be 'configuration' if set to 'node. If we leave as
    // 'node' the content type will be assumed to be database-stored by
    // the node module.
    if ($content_type->base === 'node') {
      $data->base = 'configuration';
    $event = $this
      ->triggerEvent('load_from_database', $configuration);
    $event_settings = array(
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'bundle_name' => $data->type,
    $event = $this
      ->triggerEvent('load_from_database.entity', $event->configuration, $event_settings, FALSE);
    return $event->configuration;
  public function writeToDatabase(Configuration $configuration) {
    $content_type_name = $this
    $event = $this
      ->triggerEvent('write_to_database', $configuration);
    $content_type = $event->configuration
    $content_type->base = isset($content_type->base) ? $content_type->base : 'node_content';
    $content_type->module = isset($content_type->module) ? $content_type->module : 'node';
    $content_type->custom = 1;
    $content_type->modified = 1;
    $content_type->locked = 0;
  public function removeFromDatabase(Configuration $configuration) {
    $content_type_name = $this
    $event = $this
      ->triggerEvent('remove_from_database', $configuration);
