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UpdateModeTest.php in Configuration Synchronizer 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\config_sync\Kernel;

use Drupal\config_distro\Event\ConfigDistroEvents;
use Drupal\config_snapshot\ConfigSnapshotStorageTrait;
use Drupal\config_snapshot\Entity\ConfigSnapshot;
use Drupal\config_sync\ConfigSyncListerInterface;
use Drupal\config_sync\ConfigSyncSnapshotterInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigImporter;
use Drupal\Core\Config\StorageComparer;
use Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;

 * Tests importing configuration entities using various import modes.
 * @group config_sync
class UpdateModeTest extends KernelTestBase {
  use ConfigSnapshotStorageTrait;
  protected $preserveGlobalState = TRUE;

   * Storage for the test module's snapshot.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface
  protected $testSnapshotStorage;

   * Config Importer object used for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigImporter
  protected $configImporter;

   * Names of test module node types.
   * @var array
  protected $nodeTypeNames = [
    1 => 'config_sync_test_1',
    2 => 'config_sync_test_2',
    3 => 'config_sync_test_3',
    4 => 'config_sync_test_4',

   * Names of test module config items.
   * @var array
  protected $configNames = [];

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [
  protected function setUp() {

    // Refresh the extension snapshot, since this won't have been done on
    // module install.
      ->refreshExtensionSnapshot('module', [
    ], ConfigSyncSnapshotterInterface::SNAPSHOT_MODE_INSTALL);

    // Load and customize the node type provided by config_sync_test_1 module.
    $content_type_1 = NodeType::load($this->nodeTypeNames[1]);
      ->set('name', 'Custom name')
      ->set('description', 'Prior description')
      ->set('help', 'Custom help')

    // Load the configuration snapshot for the test module.
    $test_module_snapshot = ConfigSnapshot::load(ConfigSyncSnapshotterInterface::CONFIG_SNAPSHOT_SET . '.module.config_sync_test');

    // Load and customize the node type snapshot, simulating a prior install
    // state.
    $this->configNames[1] = $content_type_1
      ->getConfigPrefix() . '.' . $content_type_1
    $content_type_1_snapshot = $test_module_snapshot
      ->getItem(StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION, $this->configNames[1]);
    $content_type_1_snapshot['name'] = 'Prior name';
    $content_type_1_snapshot['description'] = 'Prior description';
      ->setItem(StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION, $this->configNames[1], $content_type_1_snapshot)

    // Remove the second node type from both the snapshot and the active
    // configuration. This simulates an item that is newly provided.
    $content_type_2 = NodeType::load($this->nodeTypeNames[2]);
    $this->configNames[2] = $content_type_2
      ->getConfigPrefix() . '.' . $content_type_2
      ->clearItem(StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION, $this->configNames[2])

    // Delete the third node type. This covers an item installed and
    // later deleted.
    $content_type_3 = NodeType::load($this->nodeTypeNames[3]);
    $this->configNames[3] = $content_type_3
      ->getConfigPrefix() . '.' . $content_type_3

    // Modify the fourth node. This covers an item that has been customized and
    // for which no update is available.
    $content_type_4 = NodeType::load($this->nodeTypeNames[4]);
    $this->configNames[4] = $content_type_4
      ->getConfigPrefix() . '.' . $content_type_4
      ->set('name', 'Custom name')
    $this->testSnapshotStorage = $this
      ->getConfigSnapshotStorage(ConfigSyncSnapshotterInterface::CONFIG_SNAPSHOT_SET, 'module', 'config_sync_test');

    // We deleted the snapshot for config_sync_test_2.
    $expected_snapshot_items = $this->configNames;
    $expected_snapshot_items = array_values($expected_snapshot_items);
    $snapshot_items = $this->testSnapshotStorage
      ->assertSame($snapshot_items, $expected_snapshot_items, 'Snapshot items match those expected.');
  protected function setUpdateMode($update_mode) {
      ->set('config_sync.update_mode', $update_mode);

    // Rebuild the container to update the config distro storage.

    // Set up the ConfigImporter object for testing.
    $storage_comparer = new StorageComparer($this->container
      ->get(''), $this->container
      ->get(''), $this->container
    $this->configImporter = new ConfigImporter($storage_comparer
      ->createChangelist(), $this->container
      ->get('event_dispatcher'), $this->container
      ->get('config.manager'), $this->container
      ->get('lock'), $this->container
      ->get('config.typed'), $this->container
      ->get('module_handler'), $this->container
      ->get('module_installer'), $this->container
      ->get('theme_handler'), $this->container
  public function testUpdateModeMerge() {

    // Set update mode to merge.
    $creates = $this->configImporter
    $updates = $this->configImporter
      ->assertEquals(0, count($this->configImporter
      ->getUnprocessedConfiguration('delete')), 'There are no configuration items to delete.');

    // node.type.config_sync_test_2 was deleted from both the snapshot and
    // the active configuration and so should be created.
    // node.type.config_sync_test_3 was deleted from active but should not be
    // restored since it is snapshotted.
    $expected_creates = [
      ->assertSame($creates, $expected_creates, 'Create operations match those expected.');

    // For node.type.config_sync_test_1, the snapshot differs from the current
    // provided value and not all of the differences are customized in the
    // active configuration.
    $expected_updates = [
      ->assertSame($updates, $expected_updates, 'Update operations match those expected.');

    // Verify that the expected config changes were made.
    $node_type_1 = NodeType::load($this->nodeTypeNames[1]);
      ->assertEquals('Custom name', $node_type_1
      ->assertEquals('Provided description', $node_type_1
      ->assertEquals('Custom help', $node_type_1
  public function testUpdateModePartialReset() {

    // Set update mode to partial reset.
    $creates = $this->configImporter
    $updates = $this->configImporter
      ->assertEquals(0, count($this->configImporter
      ->getUnprocessedConfiguration('delete')), 'There are no configuration items to delete.');

    // node.type.config_sync_test_2 was deleted from both the snapshot and
    // the active configuration and so should be created.
    // node.type.config_sync_test_3 was deleted from active but should not be
    // restored since it is snapshotted.
    $expected_creates = [
      ->assertSame($creates, $expected_creates, 'Create operations match those expected.');

    // For node.type.config_sync_test_1, the snapshot differs from the current
    // provided value.
    $expected_updates = [
      ->assertSame($updates, $expected_updates, 'Update operations match those expected.');

    // Verify that the expected config changes were made.
    $node_type_1 = NodeType::load($this->nodeTypeNames[1]);
      ->assertEquals('Provided name', $node_type_1
      ->assertEquals('Provided description', $node_type_1
      ->assertEquals('Provided help', $node_type_1
  public function testUpdateModeFullReset() {

    // Set update mode to partial reset.
    $creates = $this->configImporter
    $updates = $this->configImporter
      ->assertEquals(0, count($this->configImporter
      ->getUnprocessedConfiguration('delete')), 'There are no configuration items to delete.');

    // node.type.config_sync_test_2 was deleted from both the snapshot and
    // the active configuration and so should be created.
    // node.type.config_sync_test_3 was deleted from active and should be
    // restored even though it is snapshotted.
    $expected_creates = [
      ->assertSame($creates, $expected_creates, 'Create operations match those expected.');

    // For node.type.config_sync_test_1, the snapshot differs from the current
    // provided value and from the active value.
    // For node.type.config_sync_test_4, the snapshot differs from the active
    // value.
    $expected_updates = [
      ->assertSame($updates, $expected_updates, 'Update operations match those expected.');

    // Verify that all provided items are at their provided state.
    foreach (array_keys($this->configNames) as $index) {
      $node_type = NodeType::load($this->nodeTypeNames[$index]);
        ->assertEquals('Provided name', $node_type
        ->assertEquals('Provided description', $node_type
        ->assertEquals('Provided help', $node_type
  protected function verifySnapshot() {

    // Verify that all provided items are now snapshotted.
    $expected_snapshot_items = array_values($this->configNames);
    $test_snapshot_storage = $this
      ->getConfigSnapshotStorage(ConfigSyncSnapshotterInterface::CONFIG_SNAPSHOT_SET, 'module', 'config_sync_test');
    $snapshot_items = $test_snapshot_storage
      ->assertSame($snapshot_items, $expected_snapshot_items, 'Snapshot items match those expected.');

    // Verify that the snapshot is now fully updated.
    $extension_storage = $this->container
    foreach (array_keys($this->configNames) as $index) {
        ->read($this->configNames[$index]), $test_snapshot_storage



Namesort descending Description
UpdateModeTest Tests importing configuration entities using various import modes.