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public function ConfigPatchTest::testSimpleMergeExample in Configuration Split 2.0.x

Test some simplified config patch and merge workflow.


tests/src/Unit/ConfigPatchTest.php, line 37


Test patch creation and merging without sorting.




public function testSimpleMergeExample() {

  // This is a much simplified version of some config. We use the complete
  // split to split off the module 'a' but we also partially split the config.
  // This is the active config.
  $active = [
    'dependencies' => [
    'something' => 'A',

  // This is the config in the sync storage before changes were made.
  $sync = [
    'dependencies' => [
    'something_else' => 'B',

  // This is the config which was updated by removing 'a'.
  // The patch already created by the complete split would contain this.
  $updated = [
    'dependencies' => [
    'something' => 'A',

  // This is what we expect to be exported at then end.
  $expected = [
    'dependencies' => [
    'something_else' => 'B',

  // This is the patch which is already in the split storage.
  $patch1 = $this->patchMerge
    ->createPatch($active, $updated);

  // This is the "fixed" sync storage so that we can create a merged patch.
  $fixed = $this->patchMerge
    ->mergePatch($sync, $patch1);

  // This is the patch we want to export.
  $patch2 = $this->patchMerge
    ->createPatch($active, $fixed);

  // This is what we export.
  $export = $this->patchMerge
    ->mergePatch($active, $patch2);
  self::assertEquals($expected, $export);

  // When doing the reverse we expect it to work again.
  $import = $this->patchMerge
    ->mergePatch($sync, $patch2
  self::assertEquals($active, $import);
  $import = $this->patchMerge
    ->mergePatch($export, $patch2
  self::assertEquals($active, $import);