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protected function SplitFilterTest::getFilter in Configuration Split 8

Returns a SplitFilter that can be used to test its behaviour.


\Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface|null $storage: The Storage interface the filter can use as its alternative storage.

string[] $blacklist: The blacklisted configuration that is filtered out.

array $modules: The blacklisted modules that are removed from the core.extensions.

array $themes: The blacklisted themes that are removed from the core.extensions.

string[] $graylist: The graylisted configuration that is filtered out.

string $name: The name of the prophesied config object.

bool $skip_equal: The flag to skip equal config in graylist exports.

Return value

\Drupal\config_split\Plugin\ConfigFilter\SplitFilter The filter to test.

9 calls to SplitFilterTest::getFilter()
SplitFilterTest::testFilterCreateCollection in src/Tests/SplitFilterTest.php
Test that the filter creates collections correctly.
SplitFilterTest::testFilterDelete in src/Tests/SplitFilterTest.php
Test that the filter deletes correctly.
SplitFilterTest::testFilterDeleteAll in src/Tests/SplitFilterTest.php
Test that the filter deletes all correctly.
SplitFilterTest::testFilterExists in src/Tests/SplitFilterTest.php
Test that the filter checks existence correctly.
SplitFilterTest::testFilterGetAllCollectionNames in src/Tests/SplitFilterTest.php
Test that the filter gets collections names correctly.

... See full list


src/Tests/SplitFilterTest.php, line 588


Test filter plugin.




protected function getFilter(StorageInterface $storage = NULL, array $blacklist = [], array $modules = [], array $themes = [], array $graylist = [], $name = 'config_split.config_split.test', $skip_equal = FALSE) {
  $configuration = [];
  $configuration['blacklist'] = $blacklist;
  $configuration['graylist'] = $graylist;
  $configuration['graylist_dependents'] = TRUE;
  $configuration['graylist_skip_equal'] = $skip_equal;
  $configuration['module'] = $modules;
  $configuration['theme'] = $themes;
  $configuration['config_name'] = $name;

  // Return a new filter that behaves as intended.
  return new SplitFilter($configuration, 'config_split', [], $this
    ->getConfigManagerMock($blacklist, $graylist, $modules, $themes), $storage);