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public function ReadOnlyConfigTest::testModulePages in Configuration Read-only mode 8

Tests switching the modules form to read-only.


tests/src/Functional/ReadOnlyConfigTest.php, line 76


Tests read-only module config functionality.




public function testModulePages() {

  // Verify if we can successfully access the modules list route.
  $module_url = Url::fromRoute('system.modules_list');

  // The modules list form is not read-only.

  // Verify if we can successfully access the modules uninstall route.
  $uninstall_url = Url::fromRoute('system.modules_uninstall');

  // The modules uninstall form is not read-only.

  // Enable the search module to confirm we can submit the form.
  $edit = [
    'modules[search][enable]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm($module_url, $edit, 'Install');

  // Switch forms to read-only.

  // The modules list form is read-only.

  // The modules uninstall form is read-only.
  $elements = $this
  $install_button = isset($elements[0]) && $elements[0] instanceof NodeElement ? $elements[0] : FALSE;
    ->assertTrue($install_button !== FALSE, 'Found the install form submit button.');
    ->hasAttribute('disabled'), 'The install modules form button is disabled.');

  // Verify that a search can be run since work-around is removed.
  // @see
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      'keys' => 'test',
  $search_url = Url::fromRoute('search.view_user_search', [], $options);
  $elements = $this
  $button = isset($elements[0]) && $elements[0] instanceof NodeElement ? $elements[0] : FALSE;
    ->assertTrue($button !== FALSE, 'Found the search form submit button.');
    ->hasAttribute('disabled'), 'The search form button is not disabled.');