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ConfigPagesLoaderService.php in Config Pages 8.2

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  1. 8.3 src/ConfigPagesLoaderService.php


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namespace Drupal\config_pages;

use Drupal\config_pages\Entity\ConfigPages;

 * Class used as loader for ConfigPages.
 * @package Drupal\config_pages
class ConfigPagesLoaderService implements ConfigPagesLoaderServiceInterface {

   * Constructor.
  public function __construct() {

   * Loads config page entity by type and context.
   * @param string $type
   *   Config page type to load.
   * @param string $context
   *   Context which should be used to load entity.
   * @return null|\Drupal\config_pages\Entity\ConfigPages
   *   Loaded CP object.
  public function load($type, $context = NULL) {
    $config_page = !empty($type) ? ConfigPages::config($type, $context) : NULL;
    return $config_page;

   * Get value from CP.
   * @param string|ConfigPages $type
   *   Config page object or type name.
   * @param string $field_name
   *   Field name.
   * @param array|int $deltas
   *   Field value deltas that you like to get.
   * @param string $key
   *   Field "value" key.
   * @return array|mixed|null
   *   Value (or array of values) from specified field in CP.
  public function getValue($type, $field_name, $deltas = [], $key = NULL) {
    $default = !empty($key) ? NULL : [];
    if (!is_array($deltas)) {
      $return_delta = $deltas;
      $deltas = [
    else {
      $return_delta = NULL;

    // Exit if empty config page.
    $config_page = is_object($type) ? $type : $this
    if (empty($config_page)) {
      return $return_delta === NULL ? [] : $default;

    // Load field.
    if ($config_page
      ->hasField($field_name)) {
      $field = $config_page
    else {
      return $return_delta === NULL ? [] : $default;

    // Trim values by deltas.
    $_values = $field
    $values = [];
    if (empty($deltas)) {
      $values = $_values;
    else {
      foreach ($deltas as $delta) {
        $values[$delta] = isset($_values[$delta]) ? $_values[$delta] : [];

    // Extract keys from values.
    if (!empty($key)) {
      foreach ($values as &$value) {
        $value = isset($value[$key]) ? $value[$key] : NULL;
    return $return_delta === NULL ? $values : $values[$return_delta];

   * Get render array of CP.
   * @param string|ConfigPages $type
   *   Config page object or type name.
   * @param string $field_name
   *   Field name you like to get.
   * @param string $view_mode
   *   View mode name.
   * @return array|null
   *   Render array of CP in specified view mode.
  public function getFieldView($type, $field_name, $view_mode = 'full') {

    // Exit if empty config page.
    $config_page = is_object($type) ? $type : $this
    if (empty($config_page) || !$config_page
      ->hasField($field_name)) {
      return [];
    return $config_page



Namesort descending Description
ConfigPagesLoaderService Class used as loader for ConfigPages.