config_pages.module in Config Pages 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
This module is based on Model module ( and most of the comments left untouched but have entity types renamed. Suuport for features added.
Module for the Model Entity - a starting point to create your own Entity and associated administration interface
config_pages.moduleView source
* @file
* This module is based on Model module (
* and most of the comments left untouched but have entity types renamed.
* Suuport for features added.
* Module for the Model Entity - a starting point to create your own Entity
* and associated administration interface
define('CONFIG_PAGES_ET', 'config_pages');
define('CONFIG_PAGES_PATH_MANAGE_TYPES', 'admin/config/development/config_pages_types');
module_load_include('inc', 'config_pages');
module_load_include('', 'config_pages');
module_load_include('', 'config_pages');
* Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function config_pages_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
if ($module == 'panels' || $module == 'ctools' || $module == 'entityreference') {
return 'plugins/' . $plugin;
if ($module == 'panelizer' && $plugin == 'entity') {
return 'plugins/panelizer/entity';
* Implements hook_config_pages_context_groups().
function config_pages_config_pages_context_groups() {
return array(
'config_pages:language' => t('Language'),
'config_pages:host' => t('Hostname'),
'config_pages:domain' => t('Domain (domain module)'),
* Implements hook_config_pages_context_list().
function config_pages_config_pages_context_list($key, $as_links = FALSE) {
$items = array();
$links = array();
// Only language links are supporte in the module.
if ($key == 'language') {
$language_list = language_list();
$value = module_invoke('config_pages', 'config_pages_context_value', $key);
foreach ($language_list as $lng_code => $lng) {
$items[$lng_code] = array(
'name' => $lng->name,
'current' => $value == $lng->language,
// Transform into links if required.
if ($as_links) {
foreach ($items as $lng_code => $item) {
$lng = $language_list[$lng_code];
$links[] = array(
'title' => $item['name'],
'href' => url($_GET['q'], array(
'language' => $lng,
'absolute' => TRUE,
'value' => $lng_code,
return $as_links ? $links : $items;
* Implements hook_config_pages_context_value().
function config_pages_config_pages_context_value($key) {
global $language;
// Default value.
$value = NULL;
// Get value for specified context key.
switch ($key) {
case 'language':
$value = $language->language;
case 'host':
$value = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
case 'domain':
if (module_exists('domain')) {
$domain = domain_get_domain();
$value = $domain['machine_name'];
else {
$value = -1;
return $value;
* Implements hook_config_pages_context_label().
function config_pages_config_pages_context_label($key, $value) {
global $language;
// Default value.
$label = NULL;
// Get value for specified context key.
switch ($key) {
case 'language':
$list = language_list();
if (!empty($list[$value])) {
$label = t('Language = @lang', array(
'@lang' => $list[$value]->name,
case 'host':
$label = t('Host = @host', array(
'@host' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
case 'domain':
if (module_exists('domain')) {
$domain = domain_get_domain();
$label = t('Domain = @name (@path)', array(
'@name' => $domain['machine_name'],
'@path' => $domain['path'],
else {
$label = t('All Domains (module not enabled)');
return $label;
* Implement hook_theme().
function config_pages_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
$hooks['config_pages'] = array(
'render element' => 'elements',
'template' => 'config_pages',
return $hooks;
* Implement hook_entity_info().
* We define two entities here - the actual entity that will hold our domain
* specific information and an entity that holds information about the different
* types of entities. See here: for a discussion on this
* choice.
function config_pages_entity_info() {
$return['config_pages'] = array(
'label' => t('ConfigPages'),
// The entity class and controller class extend the classes provided by the
// Entity API
'entity class' => 'ConfigPages',
'controller class' => 'ConfigPagesController',
'base table' => 'config_pages',
'fieldable' => TRUE,
'entity keys' => array(
'id' => 'config_pages_id',
'bundle' => 'type',
// Bundles are defined by the config_pages types below
'bundles' => array(),
// Bundle keys tell the FieldAPI how to extract information from the bundle objects
'bundle keys' => array(
'bundle' => 'type',
'label callback' => 'entity_class_label',
'uri callback' => 'entity_class_uri',
'creation callback' => 'config_pages_create',
'access callback' => 'config_pages_access',
'module' => 'config_pages',
// The information below is used by the ConfigPagesUIController (which extends the EntityDefaultUIController)
'admin ui' => array(
'path' => 'config_pagess',
'file' => '',
'controller class' => 'ConfigPagesUIController',
'menu wildcard' => '%config_pages',
'redirect' => FALSE,
'view modes' => array(
'full' => array(
'label' => t('Full content'),
'custom settings' => FALSE,
// The entity that holds information about the entity types
$return['config_pages_type'] = array(
'label' => t('Config Page'),
'entity class' => 'ConfigPagesType',
'controller class' => 'ConfigPagesTypeController',
'base table' => 'config_pages_type',
'fieldable' => FALSE,
'bundle of' => 'config_pages',
'exportable' => TRUE,
'entity keys' => array(
'id' => 'id',
'name' => 'type',
'label' => 'label',
'access callback' => 'config_pages_type_access',
'module' => 'config_pages',
// Enable the entity API's admin UI.
'admin ui' => array(
'file' => '',
'controller class' => 'ConfigPagesTypeUIController',
foreach (_config_pages_get_names() as $type => $info) {
$return['config_pages']['bundles'][$type] = array(
'label' => $info->label,
'admin' => array(
'path' => CONFIG_PAGES_PATH_MANAGE_TYPES . '/manage/%config_pages_type',
'real path' => CONFIG_PAGES_PATH_MANAGE_TYPES . '/manage/' . $type,
'bundle argument' => 5,
'access arguments' => array(
'administer config_pages types',
return $return;
* Implements hook_permission().
function config_pages_permission() {
// We set up permisssions to manage entity types, manage all entities and the
// permissions for each individual entity
$permissions = array(
'administer config_pages types' => array(
'title' => t('Administer QTools Config Pages'),
'description' => t('Create and delete fields for QTools Config Pages.'),
'administer config_pagess' => array(
'title' => t('Access QTools Config Pages'),
'description' => t('Access Any Configuration Pages'),
//Generate permissions per config_pages
foreach (config_pages_get_types() as $type) {
$type_name = check_plain($type->type);
// Edit permission.
$permissions += array(
"edit any {$type_name} config_pages" => array(
'title' => t('%type_name: Edit Configuration Page', array(
'%type_name' => $type->label,
return $permissions;
* Determines whether the given user has access to a config_pages.
* @param $op
* The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'update', 'create', 'delete'
* or just 'edit' (being the same as 'create' or 'update').
* @param $config_pages
* Optionally a config_pages or a config_pages type to check access for. If nothing is
* given, access for all config_pagess is determined.
* @param $account
* The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the global user.
* @return boolean
* Whether access is allowed or not.
function config_pages_access($op, $config_pages = NULL, $account = NULL) {
if (user_access('administer config_pagess', $account)) {
return TRUE;
if (is_string($config_pages)) {
$tmp = explode(' ', $config_pages);
$type_name = array_pop($tmp);
if (is_object($config_pages) && !empty($config_pages->type)) {
$type_name = $config_pages->type;
if (!empty($type_name)) {
// Edit / Update options.
if (in_array($op, array(
))) {
return user_access("edit any {$type_name} config_pages", $account);
elseif ($op == 'view') {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Access callback for the entity API.
function config_pages_type_access($op, $type = NULL, $account = NULL) {
return user_access('administer config_pages types', $account);
* Gets an array of all config_pages types, keyed by the type name.
* @param $type_name
* If set, the type with the given name is returned.
* @return ConfigPagesType[]
* Depending whether $type isset, an array of config_pages types or a single one.
function config_pages_get_types($type_name = NULL) {
// entity_load will get the Entity controller for our config_pages entity and call the load
// function of that object - we are loading entities by name here.
$types = entity_load_multiple_by_name('config_pages_type', isset($type_name) ? array(
) : FALSE);
return isset($type_name) ? reset($types) : $types;
* Get names for all config_pages types, keyed by the type name.
* @return
* An associative array of objects keyed by type name with
* information about config page type. Each object has properties:
* - name: The machine name.
* - label: The human name.
* - id: The type ID.
function _config_pages_get_names() {
$names =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($names)) {
$names = db_query('SELECT type, label, id FROM {config_pages_type}')
return $names;
* Menu argument loader; Load a config_pages type by string.
* @param $type
* The machine-readable name of a config_pages type to load.
* @return
* A config_pages type array or FALSE if $type does not exist.
function config_pages_type_load($type) {
return config_pages_get_types($type);
* Fetch a config_pages object. Make sure that the wildcard you choose
* in the config_pages entity definition fits the function name here.
* @param $config_pages_id
* Integer specifying the config_pages id.
* @param $reset
* A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
* @return
* A fully-loaded $config_pages object or FALSE if it cannot be loaded.
* @see config_pages_load_multiple()
function config_pages_load($config_pages_id, $reset = FALSE) {
$config_pagess = config_pages_load_multiple(array(
), array(), $reset);
return reset($config_pagess);
* Load multiple config_pagess based on certain conditions.
* @param $config_pages_ids
* An array of config_pages IDs.
* @param $conditions
* An array of conditions to match against the {config_pages} table.
* @param $reset
* A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
* @return
* An array of config_pages objects, indexed by config_pages_id.
* @see entity_load()
* @see config_pages_load()
function config_pages_load_multiple($config_pages_ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
return entity_load('config_pages', $config_pages_ids, $conditions, $reset);
* Deletes a config_pages.
function config_pages_delete(ConfigPages $config_pages) {
* Delete multiple config_pagess.
* @param $config_pages_ids
* An array of config_pages IDs.
function config_pages_delete_multiple(array $config_pages_ids) {
* Create a config_pages object.
function config_pages_create($values = array()) {
$entity = entity_get_controller('config_pages')
// Add context.
$entity->context = config_pages_context_get($values['type']);
return $entity;
* Saves a config_pages to the database.
* @param $config_pages
* The config_pages object.
function config_pages_save(ConfigPages $config_pages) {
return $config_pages
* Saves a config_pages type to the db.
function config_pages_type_save(ConfigPagesType $type) {
* Deletes a config_pages type from the db.
function config_pages_type_delete(ConfigPagesType $type) {
* The class used for config_pages entities
class ConfigPages extends Entity {
* Constructor.
public function __construct($values = array()) {
parent::__construct($values, 'config_pages');
* Entity callback.
protected function defaultLabel() {
return $this->name;
* URI callback.
protected function defaultUri() {
return array(
'path' => '',
* The class used for config_pages type entities
class ConfigPagesType extends Entity {
public $type;
public $label;
* Constructor.
public function __construct($values = array()) {
parent::__construct($values, 'config_pages_type');
* The Controller for ConfigPages entities
class ConfigPagesController extends EntityAPIController {
* Constructor.
public function __construct($entityType) {
* Create a config_pages - we first set up the values that are specific
* to our config_pages schema but then also go through the EntityAPIController
* function.
* @param $type
* The machine-readable type of the config_pages.
* @return
* A config_pages object with all default fields initialized.
public function create(array $values = array()) {
// Add values that are specific to our ConfigPages
$values += array(
'config_pages_id' => '',
'is_new' => TRUE,
'title' => '',
'created' => '',
'changed' => '',
'data' => '',
$config_pages = parent::create($values);
return $config_pages;
* Overriding the buldContent function to add entity specific fields
public function buildContent($entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL, $content = array()) {
$content = parent::buildContent($entity, $view_mode, $langcode, $content);
return $content;
* The Controller for ConfigPages entities
class ConfigPagesTypeController extends EntityAPIControllerExportable {
* Constructor.
public function __construct($entityType) {
* Create a config_pages type - we first set up the values that are specific
* to our config_pages type schema but then also go through the EntityAPIController
* function.
* @param $type
* The machine-readable type of the config_pages.
* @return
* A config_pages type object with all default fields initialized.
public function create(array $values = array()) {
// Add values that are specific to our ConfigPages
$values += array(
'id' => '',
'is_new' => TRUE,
'data' => '',
$config_pages_type = parent::create($values);
return $config_pages_type;
Name![]() |
Description |
config_pages_access | Determines whether the given user has access to a config_pages. |
config_pages_config_pages_context_groups | Implements hook_config_pages_context_groups(). |
config_pages_config_pages_context_label | Implements hook_config_pages_context_label(). |
config_pages_config_pages_context_list | Implements hook_config_pages_context_list(). |
config_pages_config_pages_context_value | Implements hook_config_pages_context_value(). |
config_pages_create | Create a config_pages object. |
config_pages_ctools_plugin_directory | Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory(). |
config_pages_delete | Deletes a config_pages. |
config_pages_delete_multiple | Delete multiple config_pagess. |
config_pages_entity_info | Implement hook_entity_info(). |
config_pages_get_types | Gets an array of all config_pages types, keyed by the type name. |
config_pages_load | Fetch a config_pages object. Make sure that the wildcard you choose in the config_pages entity definition fits the function name here. |
config_pages_load_multiple | Load multiple config_pagess based on certain conditions. |
config_pages_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
config_pages_save | Saves a config_pages to the database. |
config_pages_theme | Implement hook_theme(). |
config_pages_type_access | Access callback for the entity API. |
config_pages_type_delete | Deletes a config_pages type from the db. |
config_pages_type_load | Menu argument loader; Load a config_pages type by string. |
config_pages_type_save | Saves a config_pages type to the db. |
_config_pages_get_names | Get names for all config_pages types, keyed by the type name. |
Name![]() |
Description |
CONFIG_PAGES_ET | @file This module is based on Model module ( and most of the comments left untouched but have entity types renamed. Suuport for features added. |
Name![]() |
Description |
ConfigPages | The class used for config_pages entities |
ConfigPagesController | The Controller for ConfigPages entities |
ConfigPagesType | The class used for config_pages type entities |
ConfigPagesTypeController | The Controller for ConfigPages entities |