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NormalizedReadOnlyStorage.php in Configuration Normalizer 8

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  1. 2.0.x src/Config/NormalizedReadOnlyStorage.php


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namespace Drupal\config_normalizer\Config;

use Drupal\config_filter\Config\ReadOnlyStorage;
use Drupal\config_normalizer\ConfigItemNormalizer;
use Drupal\config_normalizer\Plugin\ConfigNormalizerManager;
use Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface;

 * Defines the normalized read only storage.
class NormalizedReadOnlyStorage extends ReadOnlyStorage implements NormalizedReadOnlyStorageInterface {

   * The config normalizer manager.
   * @var \Drupal\config_normalizer\Plugin\ConfigNormalizerManager
  protected $normalizerManager;

   * The config item normalizer.
   * @var \Drupal\config_normalizer\ConfigItemNormalizer
  protected $configItemNormalizer;

   * An array of key-value pairs to pass additional context when needed.
   * @var array
  protected $context;

   * Create a NormalizedReadOnlyStorage decorating another storage.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface $storage
   *   The decorated storage.
   * @param \Drupal\config_normalizer\Plugin\ConfigNormalizerManager $normalizer_manager
   *   The normalization manager.
   * @param array $context
   *   (optional) An array of key-value pairs to pass additional context when
   *   needed.
  public function __construct(StorageInterface $storage, ConfigNormalizerManager $normalizer_manager, array $context = []) {
    $this->normalizerManager = $normalizer_manager;
    $this->configItemNormalizer = new ConfigItemNormalizer($normalizer_manager, $context);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getContext() {
    return $this->context;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setContext(array $context = []) {
    $context += NormalizedReadOnlyStorageInterface::DEFAULT_CONTEXT;
    $this->context = $context;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function read($name) {
    $data = parent::read($name);
    $data = $this
      ->normalize($name, $data);
    return $data;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function readMultiple(array $names) {
    $list = parent::readMultiple($names);
    foreach ($list as $name => &$data) {
      $data = $this
        ->normalize($name, $data);
    return $list;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function createCollection($collection) {
    return new static($this->storage
      ->createCollection($collection), $this->normalizerManager, $this->context);

   * Normalizes configuration data.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of a configuration object to load.
   * @param array $data
   *   The configuration data to normalize.
   * @return array|bool
   *   The configuration data stored for the configuration object name. If no
   *   configuration data exists for the given name, FALSE is returned.
  protected function normalize($name, $data) {
    if (!is_bool($data)) {
      $data = $this->configItemNormalizer
        ->normalize($name, $data, $this->context);
    return $data;



Namesort descending Description
NormalizedReadOnlyStorage Defines the normalized read only storage.