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ConfigFilterStorageFactoryTest.php in Config Filter 8.2

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  1. 8 tests/src/Kernel/ConfigFilterStorageFactoryTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\config_filter\Kernel;

use Drupal\Core\Config\DatabaseStorage;
use Drupal\Core\Config\StorageComparer;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;

 * Class ConfigFilterStorageFactoryTest.
 * @group config_filter
class ConfigFilterStorageFactoryTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

   * Tests that config is correctly transformed.
  public function testStorageTransformation() {

    // Export the configuration.
    $sync_storage = $this->container
      ->get(''), $sync_storage);
    $transformed_storage = $this->container
    $comparer = new StorageComparer($transformed_storage, $this->container

    // The pirate filter changes the when importing.
    ], $comparer
    $config = $this
    $config['name'] .= ' Arrr';
    $config['slogan'] .= ' Arrr';
      ->assertEquals($config, $transformed_storage

   * Test the storage factory decorating properly.
  public function testStorageFactory() {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $database */
    $database = $this->container
    $destination = new DatabaseStorage($database, 'config_filter_source_test');

    // The $filtered storage will have the simple split applied to the
    // destination storage, but is the unified storage.
    $filtered = $this->container
      ->getFilteredStorage($destination, [

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface $active */
    $active = $this->container

    // Export the configuration to the filtered storage.
      ->copyConfig($active, $filtered);

    // Get the storage of the test split plugin.
    $splitStorage = new DatabaseStorage($database, 'config_filter_split_test');

    // Assert that the storage is properly split.
      ->listAll()) > 0);
      ->listAll()) > 0);
      ->listAll()), count($destination
      ->listAll()) + count($splitStorage
      ->listAll('core'), $splitStorage
      ->listAll('system'), $destination
      ->listAll('core')), $splitStorage
      ->listAll('system')), $destination

    // Reading from the $filtered storage returns the merged config.
      ->listAll(), $filtered
      ->listAll()), $filtered

   * Test that the listAll method doesn't advertise config that doesn't exist.
  public function testListAll() {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface $filtered */
    $filtered = $this->container

    // The pirate filter always adds the pirate config to listAll.
    // But the filtered storage doesn't return the ones that don't exist.
      ->assertNotContains('system.pirates', $filtered

    // Turn on bluff mode, to make the filter properly add the config.
      ->set('config_filter_test_bluff', TRUE);
      ->assertContains('system.pirates', $filtered



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ConfigFilterStorageFactoryTest Class ConfigFilterStorageFactoryTest.