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ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBaseTest.php in Config Entity Revisions 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\config_entity_revisions\Unit;

use Drupal\config_entity_revisions\ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManager;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter;
use Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\AccessAwareRouter;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Drupal\config_entity_revisions\ConfigEntityRevisionsInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityStorageBase;
use Drupal\config_entity_revisions\Entity\ConfigEntityRevisions;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationManager;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\config_entity_revisions\ConfigEntityRevisionsEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactory;
use Drupal\Core\Messenger\Messenger;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Prophecy\Argument;

 * Test ability to revert (form) configurations.
 * @group config_entity_revisions
class ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBaseTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * @var Container
  private $container;

   * @var ConfigEntityRevisions
  private $mockOldRevision;

   * @var ConfigEntityRevisions
  private $mockNewRevision;

   * @var ConfigEntityRevisions
  private $mockDefaultRevision;

   * @var ConfigEntityRevisionsInterface
  private $configEntity;

   * @var ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest
  private $instance;

   * @var MockSerializer
  private $serializer;

   * Set up for a test.
  public function setup() {
    $entityTypeManager = $this
    $dateFormatter = $this
      ->will(function ($calls) {
      return $calls[count($calls) - 1];
    $dateTime = $this
    $this->mockOldRevision = $this
      ->willReturn((object) [
      'value' => 'serialisedConfiguration',
    $this->mockDefaultRevision = $this
    $this->mockNewRevision = $this
    $mockContentStorage = $this
    $config_entity = $this
    $this->configEntity = $config_entity;
    $mock_request = new Request();
    $request_stack = $this
    $string_translation = $this
    $currentUser = $this
    $this->serializer = new MockSerializer($this);
    $context =& $this;
    $logger = $this
      ->notice(Argument::type('string'), Argument::type('array'))
      ->will(function ($args) use ($context) {
        ->assertEquals('@form: set @form to revision %revision.', $args[0]);
        '@form' => 'config_entity_label',
        '%revision' => 300,
      ], $args[1]);
    $loggerFactory = $this
    $messenger = $this
      ->will(function ($calls) use ($context) {
      $message = $calls[0];
        ->assertEquals('%entity_title %title has been set to the revision from %revision-date.', $message
        '%entity_title' => 'config_entity_title',
        '%title' => 'config_entity_label',
        '%revision-date' => 1200,
      ], $message
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->set('entity_type.manager', $entityTypeManager
      ->set('date.formatter', $dateFormatter
      ->set('datetime.time', $dateTime
      ->set('request_stack', $request_stack
      ->set('string_translation', $string_translation
      ->set('current_user', $currentUser
      ->set('serializer', $this->serializer);
      ->set('logger.factory', $loggerFactory
      ->set('messenger', $messenger
    $this->container = $container;

   * Proxy prophesize() for the mock deserializer (see below for why that's needed).
  public function prophesizeProxy($classOrInterface = NULL) {
    return parent::prophesize($classOrInterface);

   * Generate a mock request.
   * @param int $revisionId
   *   The revision ID being 'reverted'.
   * @param string $classname
   *   The class to be instantiated.
   * @return ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest
   *   The resulting test class instance.
  public function getMockInstance(int $revisionId, $classname = 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest') {
    $configEntity = $this->configEntity;
    $mock_request = new Request();
    $request_stack = $this
    $router = $this
      ->will(function () use ($configEntity, $revisionId) {
      return [
        'config_entity' => $configEntity,
        'revision_id' => $revisionId,
      ->set('router', $router
    $classname = 'Drupal\\Tests\\config_entity_revisions\\Unit\\' . $classname;
    return $classname::create($this->container);

   * Check that getFormId includes the module name.
   * @test
  public function formIdStartsWithModuleName() {
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getFormId(), 'module_name_revision_revert_confirm');

   * Check that confirmation question is as expected.
   * @test
  public function questionContainsActionAndRevisionDate() {
    $this->instance = $this
    $actual = $this->instance
      ->assertEquals("Are you sure you want to %action to the revision from %revision-date?", $actual
    $args = $actual
      '%revision-date' => 1200,
      '%action' => 'revert',
    ], $args);

   * Check that the cancel URL is as expected.
   * @test
  public function cancelUrlIsAsExpected() {
    $this->instance = $this
    $actual = $this->instance
      ->assertEquals('entity.my_entity_type.revisions', $actual
      'my_entity_type' => 'foozbar',
    ], $actual

   * Check that action is calculated as expected.
   * @test
  public function actionDependsOnWhetherTheRevisionIsPublished() {

    // Start with a revision older than the published / default revision.
    $this->instance = $this
    $actual = $this->instance
      ->assertEquals('revert', $actual);

    // Now use a revision after the published / default revision.
    $this->instance = $this
    $actual = $this->instance
      ->assertEquals('publish', $actual);

   * Validate the built render array. Should be just what the parent provides.
   * @test
  public function buildFormProducesExpectedRenderArray() {

    // Start with a revision older than the published / default revision.
    $this->instance = $this
    $formState = $this
    $actual = $this->instance
      ->buildForm([], $formState
      ->arrayHasKey('#title', $actual);

    // Like above but now we're confirming the question has made it into the form.
      ->assertEquals("Are you sure you want to %action to the revision from %revision-date?", $actual['#title']
    $args = $actual['#title']
      '%revision-date' => 1200,
      '%action' => 'revert',
    ], $args);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('#attributes', $actual);
      'class' => [
        0 => 'confirmation',
    ], $actual['#attributes']);
    ], array_keys($actual['actions']));
      ->assertArrayHasKey('#theme', $actual);
      ->assertEquals('confirm_form', $actual['#theme']);

   * Check that preparation of a reverted revision does all it should.
   * @test
  public function revertedVersionOfRevisionGeneratedCorrectly() {
    $this->instance = $this
    $revision = $this->mockOldRevision;
      ->should(function ($calls) {
      if (!$calls || !$calls[0]
        ->getArguments()[0]) {
        throw new \Exception("isDefaultRevision wasn't set to TRUE.");
      ->willReturn('Vanity of vanities!');
    $savedMessage = NULL;
      ->will(function ($newMessage) use (&$savedMessage) {
      $savedMessage = $newMessage[0];
    $savedUserId = NULL;
      ->will(function ($newUserId) use (&$savedUserId) {
      $savedUserId = $newUserId[0];
    $savedCreationTime = NULL;
      ->will(function ($newCreationTime) use (&$savedCreationTime) {
      $savedCreationTime = $newCreationTime[0];
    $savedChangedTime = NULL;
      ->will(function ($newChangedTime) use (&$savedChangedTime) {
      $savedChangedTime = $newChangedTime[0];
    $publicationStatus = NULL;
    $key_value_pairs = [];
      ->set(Argument::type('string'), Argument::any())
      ->will(function ($arguments) use (&$key_value_pairs) {
      $key_value_pairs[$arguments[0]] = $arguments[1];
      ->assertEquals('Copy of the revision from %date (%message).', $savedMessage
      ->assertEquals(1717, $savedUserId);
      ->assertEquals(1260, $savedCreationTime);
      ->assertEquals(1260, $savedChangedTime);
      'moderation_state' => 'draft',
    ], $key_value_pairs);

    // And without a revision log message.
      ->assertEquals('Copy of the revision from %date.', $savedMessage
      ->assertEquals(1717, $savedUserId);
      ->assertEquals(1260, $savedCreationTime);
      ->assertEquals(1260, $savedChangedTime);
      'moderation_state' => 'draft',
    ], $key_value_pairs);

   * Check that preparation of a published revision does all it should.
   * @test
  public function publishedVersionOfRevisionGeneratedCorrectly() {
    $this->instance = $this
    $revision = $this->mockNewRevision;
      ->should(function ($calls) {
      if (!$calls || !$calls[0]
        ->getArguments()[0]) {
        throw new \Exception("isDefaultRevision wasn't set to TRUE.");
    $key_value_pairs = [];
      ->set(Argument::type('string'), Argument::any())
      ->will(function ($arguments) use (&$key_value_pairs) {
      $key_value_pairs[$arguments[0]] = $arguments[1];
      'moderation_state' => 'published',
    ], $key_value_pairs);

   * Check that applyRevisionChange invokes the right fn and seeks to save.
   * @test
  public function applyRevisionChangeCallsRightFunctionAndSaves() {

    // Older revision -> revert called.
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getMockInstance(300, 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest2');
    $revision = $this->mockOldRevision;

    // Newer revision -> publish called.
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getMockInstance(324, 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest2');
    $revision = $this->mockNewRevision;

   * updateConfigEntity should update the config entity as expected.
   * @test
  public function updateConfigEntityModifiesEntityCorrectly() {
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getMockInstance(300, 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest2');
      'settingsOriginal' => 'originalSettings',
      'revision_id' => 300,
    ], $this->serializer->keyValuePairs);

   * Does the logUpdate method include expected information?
   * @test
  public function logUpdate() {
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getMockInstance(300, 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest2');

   * Does displayUpdate display the expected message?
   * @test
  public function displayUpdate() {
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getMockInstance(300, 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest2');

   * Confirm that a redirection is set up as desired.
   * @test
  public function redirectIsSet() {
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getMockInstance(300, 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest2');
    $form_state = new FormState();
    $redirect = $form_state
      ->assertEquals('entity.my_entity_type.revisions', $redirect
      'my_entity_type' => 'foozbar',
    ], $redirect

   * Does the form submission handler
   * @test
  public function submitFormCallsAnticipatedMethods() {

    // Start with a revision older than the published / default revision.
    $this->instance = $this
      ->getMockInstance(300, 'ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest3');
    $form = [];
      ->submitForm($form, new FormState());
    ], $this->instance->callsMade);


// Main test class - just gives access to otherwise protected values.
class ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest extends ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBase {

   * Provide the test class with access to protected values.
   * @param $value
   *   The value to retrieve.
   * @return mixed
   *   The protected class variable.
  public function get($value) {
    return $this->{$value};


// Override revision preparation so we can test the applyRevisionChange method.
class ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest2 extends ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest {

   * @var bool
  protected $prepareRevertedRevisionCalled = FALSE;

   * @var bool
  protected $prepareToPublishCurrentRevisionCalled = FALSE;

   * Override prepareRevertedRevision so we can be sure it is actually called.
   * @param ConfigEntityRevisionsEntityInterface $revision
   *   The revision to be published.
   * @return ConfigEntityRevisionsEntityInterface
   *   The resulting revision record, ready to be saved.
  public function prepareRevertedRevision(ConfigEntityRevisionsEntityInterface $revision) {
    $this->prepareRevertedRevisionCalled = TRUE;
    return $revision;

   * Override prepareToPublishCurrentRevision so we can be sure it is actually
   * called.
   * @param ConfigEntityRevisionsEntityInterface $revision
   *   The revision to be published.
   * @return ConfigEntityRevisionsEntityInterface
   *   The resulting revision record, ready to be saved.
  public function prepareToPublishCurrentRevision(ConfigEntityRevisionsEntityInterface $revision) {
    $this->prepareToPublishCurrentRevisionCalled = TRUE;
    return $revision;


// Override revision preparation so we can test the applyRevisionChange method.
class ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest3 extends ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormTest {

   * @var array
  public $callsMade = [];

   * Apply the revision insert/update.
  public function applyRevisionChange() {
    $this->callsMade[] = 'applyRevisionChange';

   * Apply the revision insert/update.
  public function updateConfigEntity() {
    $this->callsMade[] = 'updateConfigEntity';

   * Apply the revision insert/update.
  public function logUpdate() {
    $this->callsMade[] = 'logUpdate';

   * Apply the revision insert/update.
  public function displayUpdate() {
    $this->callsMade[] = 'displayUpdate';

   * Apply the revision insert/update.
   * @param FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The form state to be modified.
  public function setRedirect(FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $this->callsMade[] = 'setRedirect';


 * The serializer (sic) we'd normally mock above has deserialize as a final
 * method. Instead of using it, define our own class here.
class MockSerializer {

   * @var ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBaseTest
  public $testClass = NULL;

   * @var bool
  public $wasCalled = FALSE;

   * @var array
  public $keyValuePairs = [];

   * Constructor. Store a copy of the test class so we can use its prophecy.
   * @param ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBaseTest $testClass
   *   The test class instance.
  public function __construct(ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBaseTest $testClass) {
    $this->testClass = $testClass;

   * @param $data
   * @param $type
   * @param $format
   * @param array $context
   * @return string
   * @throws \Exception
  public function deserialize($data, $type, $format, array $context = []) {
    if ($data !== 'serialisedConfiguration') {
      throw new \Exception("Mock Serializer class's deserialize method should be called with data = 'serialisedConfiguration'");
    $this->wasCalled = TRUE;
    $configEntity = $this->testClass
      ->will(function ($args) {
      if (!$args || $args[0]) {
        throw new \Exception("enforceIsNew wasn't set to FALSE.");
    $keyValuePairs =& $this->keyValuePairs;
      ->set(Argument::type('string'), Argument::any())
      ->will(function ($args) use (&$keyValuePairs) {
      $keyValuePairs[$args[0]] = $args[1];
    return $configEntity



Namesort descending Description
ConfigEntityRevisionsRevertFormBaseTest Test ability to revert (form) configurations.
MockSerializer The serializer (sic) we'd normally mock above has deserialize as a final method. Instead of using it, define our own class here.