public static function ConfigEntityRevisionsFormAlterBase::formAlter in Config Entity Revisions 8.2
Common form_alter hook code.
Overrides ConfigEntityRevisionsFormAlterInterface::formAlter
- src/
ConfigEntityRevisionsFormAlterBase.php, line 88
- ConfigEntityRevisionsFormAlterBase
- Class ConfigEntityRevisionsFormAlterBase.
public static function formAlter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// Are we interested in this form?
$revision_routes = static::getRevisionRoutes();
$routename = \Drupal::routeMatch()
if (!in_array($routename, $revision_routes)) {
// Get the content entity if it will be needed. This needs to be the most
// recent version of the entity - if we've saved a new revision, we want
// the latest revision message, not the old one.
// @TODO Make testable.
$match = \Drupal::service('router')
/* @var $container \Drupal\config_entity_revisions\ConfigEntityRevisionsConfigEntityContainerInterface */
$container = $match[static::getRouteParameterName()] ?? NULL;
if (is_null($container)) {
/* @var $config_entity ConfigEntityRevisionsConfigEntityInterface */
$config_entity = $container
// @TODO Create and specify an interface.
/* @var $content_entity */
$content_entity = $config_entity
$isLatestRevision = $content_entity ? $content_entity
->isLatestRevision() : FALSE;
// If we're displaying a non-current revision, add a message and remove the
// submission buttons.
if (in_array($routename, static::getEditFormRoutes()) && $content_entity) {
// @TODO Move so it only displays if we're not saving or if the newly
// saved version isn't the default.
if (!$content_entity
->isDefaultRevision()) {
->addMessage('This is not the currently published revision.', 'warning');
// If the revision is not the latest revision, disable saving it.
if (!$isLatestRevision) {
foreach ($form['actions'] as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value) && $key !== 'cancel') {
// If we're not adding a form or rendering the main edit form, don't provide
// the option of adding a new revision or modifying the revision message.
if (!in_array($routename, static::getAddFormRoutes()) && !in_array($routename, static::getEditFormRoutes())) {
// @TODO What is the following needed for?
if ($config_entity) {
->getBundleName(), $config_entity
if ($form_id == $config_entity
->previewFormId()) {
if (!$content_entity) {
$content_entity = $config_entity
if (in_array($routename, static::getNewRevisionRoutes())) {
// Add a log field if the "Create new revision" option is checked, or if the
// current user has the ability to check that option.
$new_revision_default = static::getNewRevisionDefault();
$form['revision'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Create new revision'),
'#default_value' => $new_revision_default,
'#group' => 'revision_information',
// This will add the moderation form too, if needed.
$entity_form_display = EntityFormDisplay::create([
'targetEntityType' => 'config_entity_revisions',
'bundle' => $config_entity
'mode' => 'default',
'status' => TRUE,
->buildForm($content_entity, $form, $form_state);
$form['actions']['#weight'] = 200;
else {
if (!$isLatestRevision && in_array($routename, static::getEditFormRoutes())) {
foreach ($form as $key => &$values) {
if (in_array($key, [
])) {
if (substr($key, 0, 1) !== '#') {
$values['#disabled'] = TRUE;