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ConditionalFieldSelectTest.php in Conditional Fields 8

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  1. 4.x tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ConditionalFieldSelectTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\conditional_fields\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\conditional_fields\ConditionalFieldsInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityFormDisplay;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\Tests\conditional_fields\FunctionalJavascript\TestCases\ConditionalFieldValueInterface;

 * Test Conditional Fields Select Plugin.
 * @group conditional_fields
class ConditionalFieldSelectTest extends ConditionalFieldTestBase implements ConditionalFieldValueInterface {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $screenshotPath = 'sites/simpletest/conditional_fields/select/';

   * The field names used in the test.
   * @var string[]
  protected $fieldNames = [

   * Jquery selectors of fields in a document.
   * @var string[]
  protected $fieldSelectors;

   * The field storage definitions used to created the field storage.
   * @var array
  protected $fieldStorageDefinitions;

   * The list field storage used in the test.
   * @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig
  protected $fieldStorages;

   * Fields to use in this test.
   * @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
  protected $fields;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {
      $this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName] = "[name=\"{$fieldName}\"]";
      $this->fieldStorageDefinitions[$fieldName] = [
        'field_name' => $fieldName,
        'entity_type' => 'node',
        // Cut 'select_single_' for getting field types.
        'type' => str_replace('select_single_', '', $fieldName),
        'cardinality' => 1,

    // Define allowed values for each field type.
    $this->fieldStorageDefinitions['select_single_entity_reference']['settings']['target_type'] = 'user';
    $this->fieldStorageDefinitions['select_single_list_integer']['settings']['allowed_values'] = [
      1 => '1',
      2 => '2',
      3 => '3',
    $this->fieldStorageDefinitions['select_single_list_float']['settings']['allowed_values'] = [
      '1.5' => '1.5',
      '2.5' => '2.5',
      '3.5' => '3.5',
    $this->fieldStorageDefinitions['select_single_list_string']['settings']['allowed_values'] = [
      'one' => 'One',
      'two' => 'Two',
      'three' => 'Three',
    $entity_form_display = EntityFormDisplay::load('node.article.default');
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {

      // Save field storage configurations.
      $this->fieldStorages[$fieldName] = FieldStorageConfig::create($this->fieldStorageDefinitions[$fieldName]);

      // Create a field configuration.
      $this->fields[$fieldName] = FieldConfig::create([
        'field_storage' => $this->fieldStorages[$fieldName],
        'bundle' => 'article',

      // Set field form display settings for the field.
        ->setComponent($fieldName, [
        'type' => 'options_select',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function testVisibleValueWidget() {
    $correct_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 1,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 1,
      'select_single_list_float' => 1.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'one',
    $wrong_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 3,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 3,
      'select_single_list_float' => 3.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'three',

    // Visit a ConditionalFields configuration page for Content bundles.
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {
        ->createCondition('body', $fieldName, 'visible', 'value');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '01-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Set up conditions.
      $data = [
        '[name="condition"]' => 'value',
        '[name="values_set"]' => ConditionalFieldsInterface::CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_WIDGET,
        $this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName] => $correct_values[$fieldName],
        '[name="grouping"]' => 'AND',
        '[name="state"]' => 'visible',
        '[name="effect"]' => 'show',
      foreach ($data as $selector => $value) {
          ->changeField($selector, $value);
        ->wait(1000, '!');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '02-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Check if that configuration is saved.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '03-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->pageTextContains('body ' . $fieldName . ' visible value');

      // Visit Article Add form to check that conditions are applied.

      // Check that the field Body is not visible.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '04-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, 'Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set that should not show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $wrong_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, 'Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set to show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $correct_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '06-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, 'Article Body field is not visible');

      // Change a select value set to hide the body again.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], '_none');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '07-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, 'Article Body field is visible');

      // Return back to ConditionalFields configuration page for Article CT.

      // Delete previous condition.
        ->click('li > button > .dropbutton-arrow');
        ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '08-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function testVisibleValueRegExp() {
    $reg_patterns = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => '[1]+',
      'select_single_list_integer' => '[1-2]+',
      'select_single_list_float' => '[1-2]+\\.5',
      'select_single_list_string' => '^(one|two)$',
    $correct_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 1,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 1,
      'select_single_list_float' => 1.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'one',
    $wrong_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 3,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 3,
      'select_single_list_float' => 3.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'three',

    // Visit a ConditionalFields configuration page for Content bundles.
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {
        ->createCondition('body', $fieldName, 'visible', 'value');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '01-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Set up conditions.
      $data = [
        '[name="condition"]' => 'value',
        '[name="values_set"]' => ConditionalFieldsInterface::CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_REGEX,
        '[name="regex"]' => $reg_patterns[$fieldName],
        '[name="grouping"]' => 'AND',
        '[name="state"]' => 'visible',
        '[name="effect"]' => 'show',
      foreach ($data as $selector => $value) {
          ->changeField($selector, $value);
        ->wait(1000, '!');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '02-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Check if that configuration is saved.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '03-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->pageTextContains('body ' . $fieldName . ' visible value');

      // Visit Article Add form to check that conditions are applied.

      // Check that the field Body is not visible.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '04-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '04.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set that should not show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $wrong_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '05.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set to show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $correct_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '06-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, '06.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is not visible');

      // Change a select value set to hide the body again.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], '_none');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '07-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '07.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Return back to ConditionalFields configuration page for Article CT.

      // Delete previous condition.
        ->click('li > button > .dropbutton-arrow');
        ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '08-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function testVisibleValueAnd() {
    $allowed_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_integer' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_float' => "1.5\n2.5",
      'select_single_list_string' => "one\ntwo",
    $test_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 1,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 1,
      'select_single_list_float' => 1.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'one',

    // Visit a ConditionalFields configuration page for Content bundles.
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {
        ->createCondition('body', $fieldName, 'visible', 'value');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '01-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Set up conditions.
      $data = [
        'condition' => 'value',
        'values_set' => ConditionalFieldsInterface::CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_AND,
        'values' => $allowed_values[$fieldName],
        'grouping' => 'AND',
        'state' => 'visible',
        'effect' => 'show',
        ->submitForm($data, 'Save settings');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '02-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Check if that configuration is saved.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '03-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->pageTextContains('body ' . $fieldName . ' visible value');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '03.5-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Visit Article Add form to check that conditions are applied.

      // Check that the field Body is not visible.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '04-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '04.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set that should not show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $test_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '05.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set to hide the body again.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], '_none');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '07-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '07.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Return back to ConditionalFields configuration page for Article CT.

      // Delete previous condition.
        ->click('li > button > .dropbutton-arrow');
        ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '08-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function testVisibleValueOr() {
    $allowed_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_integer' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_float' => "1.5\n2.5",
      'select_single_list_string' => "one\ntwo",
    $correct_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 1,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 1,
      'select_single_list_float' => 1.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'one',
    $wrong_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 3,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 3,
      'select_single_list_float' => 3.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'three',

    // Visit a ConditionalFields configuration page for Content bundles.
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {
        ->createCondition('body', $fieldName, 'visible', 'value');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '01-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Set up conditions.
      $data = [
        'condition' => 'value',
        'values_set' => ConditionalFieldsInterface::CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_OR,
        'values' => $allowed_values[$fieldName],
        'grouping' => 'AND',
        'state' => 'visible',
        'effect' => 'show',
        ->submitForm($data, 'Save settings');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '02-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Check if that configuration is saved.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '03-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->pageTextContains('body ' . $fieldName . ' visible value');

      // Visit Article Add form to check that conditions are applied.

      // Check that the field Body is not visible.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '04-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '04.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set that should be visible the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $correct_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, '05.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is not visible');

      // Change a select value set that should not show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $wrong_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '05.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set to hide the body again.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], '_none');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '07-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '07.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Return back to ConditionalFields configuration page for Article CT.

      // Delete previous condition.
        ->click('li > button > .dropbutton-arrow');
        ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '08-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function testVisibleValueNot() {
    $allowed_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_integer' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_float' => "1.5\n2.5",
      'select_single_list_string' => "one\ntwo",
    $correct_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 3,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 3,
      'select_single_list_float' => 3.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'three',
    $wrong_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 1,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 1,
      'select_single_list_float' => 1.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'one',

    // Visit a ConditionalFields configuration page for Content bundles.
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {
        ->createCondition('body', $fieldName, 'visible', 'value');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '01-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Set up conditions.
      $data = [
        'condition' => 'value',
        'values_set' => ConditionalFieldsInterface::CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_NOT,
        'values' => $allowed_values[$fieldName],
        'grouping' => 'AND',
        'state' => 'visible',
        'effect' => 'show',
        ->submitForm($data, 'Save settings');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '02-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Check if that configuration is saved.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '03-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->pageTextContains('body ' . $fieldName . ' visible value');

      // Visit Article Add form to check that conditions are applied.

      // Check that the field Body is not visible.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '04-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, '04.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set that should be visible the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $correct_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, '05.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is not visible');

      // Change a select value set that should not show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $wrong_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '05.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set to hide the body again.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], '_none');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '07-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, '07.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Return back to ConditionalFields configuration page for Article CT.

      // Delete previous condition.
        ->click('li > button > .dropbutton-arrow');
        ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '08-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function testVisibleValueXor() {
    $allowed_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_integer' => "1\n2",
      'select_single_list_float' => "1.5\n2.5",
      'select_single_list_string' => "one\ntwo",
    $correct_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 1,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 1,
      'select_single_list_float' => 1.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'one',
    $wrong_values = [
      'select_single_entity_reference' => 3,
      'select_single_list_integer' => 3,
      'select_single_list_float' => 3.5,
      'select_single_list_string' => 'tree',

    // Visit a ConditionalFields configuration page for Content bundles.
    foreach ($this->fieldNames as $fieldName) {
        ->createCondition('body', $fieldName, 'visible', 'value');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '01-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Set up conditions.
      $data = [
        'condition' => 'value',
        'values_set' => ConditionalFieldsInterface::CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_XOR,
        'values' => $allowed_values[$fieldName],
        'grouping' => 'AND',
        'state' => 'visible',
        'effect' => 'show',
        ->submitForm($data, 'Save settings');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '02-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');

      // Check if that configuration is saved.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '03-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->pageTextContains('body ' . $fieldName . ' visible value');

      // Visit Article Add form to check that conditions are applied.

      // Check that the field Body is not visible.
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '04-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '04.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Change a select value set that should not show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $correct_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, '05.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is not visible');

      // Change a select value set that should be show the body.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], $correct_values[$fieldName]);
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '05-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilVisible('.field--name-body', 50, '06.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is not visible');

      // Change a select value set to hide the body again.
        ->changeField($this->fieldSelectors[$fieldName], '_none');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '07-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');
        ->waitUntilHidden('.field--name-body', 50, '07.' . $fieldName . '. Article Body field is visible');

      // Return back to ConditionalFields configuration page for Article CT.

      // Delete previous condition.
        ->click('li > button > .dropbutton-arrow');
        ->submitForm([], 'Confirm');
        ->createScreenshot($this->screenshotPath . '08-' . $fieldName . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png');



Namesort descending Description
ConditionalFieldSelectTest Test Conditional Fields Select Plugin.